✿Jolly good GOODS [pt.1]

Sep 07, 2009 13:33

         Today a die hard fangirl was made happy     ç__ç    oh so happy!!  *starts crying again*

♪  Yes, it's because of my parcel of smap goods  ♪

First of all I opened s.m.a.p album ♣ and something VERY unexpected happened *shock*. So I read all they way on the net that smap no minna-san rarely appear on their album...coz there are only logos and drawings and stuff (in fact fangirls were enthusiastic when they came to know that in some of the first press Sotto Kyutto singles there's a HOT postcard with smap on it )

*hohoho* so I was opening the package of that pretty 019 album... LIMITED EDITION *O*
I opened it and saw.... 2 CDs .... and 2 booklets.
so I started thinking "one of them has the lyrics...........and the other too.....?"
I opened the left one (the one that camouflages with the CD package XD) and....yappari, lyrics on one side and s.m.a.p. pattern on the other one.


........but the second one *O* oh the second one ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

*GASP* I was so shocked but happy but excited!!!     ç_ç   why on earth hadn't no one told me about this?!?Then I'd have been psychologically prepared !

then.... POP UP dvd!!! blue edition *o* this time I knew that silver little package was about to make me happy.... but I just couldn't imagine.... SO MUCH


OH GOD!!!! I had seen this postcard around... but I couldn't imagine they came with the  DVD!!! I though they were shop pictures *baka, atashi*


PART 1 deshitaaaaa!!! now I'm off to wait for SxS :) hehehe but I'll be back with part 2!! ç_ç
stay tuned!

smap tachi, gotta get smap in your life, yuukie's file, spread the joy, hell yes

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