finally I'm making public this LONG and HEAVY-IMAGE entry, written on the 29th or 30th? I don't remember
In this moment I'm eating the most amazing choco cake I've ever eaten.
★ SMAPxSMAP August 17th 2009 ★
I watched it the other night and it really left me in a good mood. It was very sweet and once again I could see how amazing those guys are. It might sound stupid but seeing how hard they try it and how much effort they put on it...well I think that's inspiring. I complain for every fuckery while they give the 200% every time.
So let's beginn with the BATSU GAME recap ! *jya jya jyaaaan (catchy music)*
Tsuyoshi and Shingo went to China to make a 3-legged marathon.....on the Great Wall!!
*Yeeeeeeeeeeeaaahh* I think Shingo's camera is AMAZING. He's into technology, ne? On tokuban he asked for a
MACBOOK PRO, which he actually wanted to buy himself....but renounced after he saw how expensive it is XD (that's what I understoond, ne). While in 2003, on Tokyo Friends Park he asked for a
video camera.! I've just noticed the 3 items are white *who cares!!*. Ok, I'm dangerously going out of topic. To sum up, that camera is f**ing cool and I love that he likes this kind of stuff coz I love 'em too.
ano futari nanka sugoi!! This time I decided to use a lj cut instead of making a 33km entry and crack everyone's PCs
as I said, that's a 3-legged marathon....but what's more important.....OMG shingo's shoes. Those are very Johnny's-ish
before the marathon they need to warm up so......... they go to the zoo (WTF?!?) LOL love this moment, when one wants to go left and the other right XD
again shingo's pretty camera
so, in order to countinue warming up..... they go shopping (why==) oh but they buy souvenirs for the other memebers ^^ . Firstly a candle with shells on the bottom (?) for goro (and from the studio he's actually enthusiastic XD) then they go to a cloths shop. Shingo doesn't like the boring stuff tsuyoshi's looking at so he just pulls tsuyoshi toward a pretty shirt ("pretty" on the basis of shingo's distorted mind) which is going to be.....kimura's present
love thi moment!! where tsuyoshi's "oooi XD".
Please do notice that that shirt is perfect for a zoo employ!
Then it's nakai's turn!!
it took me a while to understand what the heck those HORRIBLE things are.... well they're stamps with your name (I'm sure they have a proper name that I don't know and that I'm not willing to look for)
tsu was looking at this FUGLY one but shingo said it must be expensive
they asked for the price and shingo converted it with a calculator XD into yen. But that actually is expensive (62$). Do I need to say that for 2 guys on the spotlight for 20 years with millions of dollars coming from CDs, TOURS, DVDs, DORAMAS, CMs, VARIETY SHOWS, RADIO SHOWS..... 60 bucks (----even divided between 2 people) should be NOTHING,
shingo says soemthing like "isn't there anything around 1000 yen?!" XD and nakai's face in that moment was fantastic XD
this costs 9$...... shingo "That's it." LOL shingo, so mean <3
so the man puts Nakai's name in it (don't know why shingo was looking at the man istead of the stamp XD)
the man tries it out and......XD
here's a little comparison between kimura's cracking reaction and Nakai..... his face.....KOWAAII YO!
LITTLE EXPLANATION: the latter kanji is wrong! it's supposed to be 居
but people often mistake it XD. OBVIOUSLY they did in on purpose!!
then the narrator says that tsu and shingo too wanna buy one....
shingo is contempling at one.....that costs 44 $. He thinks about it 2 seconds and....
"takin' it! " Tsuyoshi turns towards him and goes ----
"we've spent 9 $ for nakai!!!!!!"
here shingo's laughter is something priceless <3
SO ends the warming up and starts the batsu
10 km (divided into 33 steps) out of the 8851,8 km of the Great Wall
and here are our heroes, starting at 9.30 am
they're on the top of that thing and amused by the echo, Shingo shouts out
KIMURA-KUUUN UN un un un n n
NAKAI-KUUUUN UN un un un n n
shingo: Ikkou! (let's go!)
tsuyo: Goro-chan?!?! (what about goro?!?)
shingo laughs out, (again kyaaa)
and tsuyoshi yells
GORO-SAAN AN an n n n
in the studio Goro says something "aasdfghjkl BAAAKA" and Shingo laughs amused XD (the asdfghjk is coz I don't understand YoY)
I wouldn't like to sound too maniac......XD but........
OMG!!!! ♫ Shingo's belly!! ♫ *fangirl screams* look look look >O<
I love so much that he's not sknny like the 100% of the JE boys. (yes I know that it's supposed to be something like 99,99999999999% since there's Shingo that isn't skinny but during the 2 seconds that I thought about writing a percentage I decided that Shingo chubbyness (i don't know if that's a word but I don't care) isn't enough to make number.... so it's 100%.Yappari. )
when they meet some white turists ◆ Shingo starts "aaaah~~ aaaaah~~ taaire"
and ..... XD
next - our heroes receive Nakai's present/thing for the marathon.... that is a tshirt with the following pic on the back
LOL ! ! ! look at Tsu!! XD
then they start reading the box under the pic..... where there's a kind of personal chart filled in by the 2 at the time! apparently Shingo wrote that the sports his good at are :
basketball, soccer, biliards XD and here they laugh.... with Tsu saying "looking so mature.... YOU WERE 11, deshou"
they also read aloud that he wrote he's favourite singer was Micheal Jackson.... (and Senda Mitsuo) XD
and this is the front of the t shirt.... but there's a problem
it's incredibly hot... there are 37°- 40° and that shirt makes it worse. Poor things they're tired and hot... but that's just the beginning
something I want to point out... while watching this batsu it's natural to think "oh poor shingo... ohhh poor tsuyoshi" ...but what about all those stuff members?!?! they're running back and forth with bags and cameras
This post is getting way too long so I'm gonna split it in 2 parts. Oh yes, part 1 ends here.