Title: Leggiero
Anime/Manga: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Pairing: 5986, GokuHaru
Genre: Romance
Status: Complete. Drabbles.
Extra Info: TYL. Part of my '59 Drabbles' project.
A/N: Haha, my dad's finally out. I'm convinced that he wants to extend my com ban. I don’t own KHR. Leggiero - light and delicate
The silver-haired Italian slips quietly into the dark room, darting around noiselessly like a cat.
He sees his target.
She is sleeping soundly on the bed, blankets over her snugly.
He smiled.
Now, I just have to get to the bathroom without waking her up……
He crept away silently once more. Just as he sees the door and is about to open it -
He almost jumps out of his skin. Cursing inwardly, he turns around with reluctant slowness.
“What did I say about getting home late?”
He gulps.
She raises a finger and smiles seductively.
“Come here.”
He got up gingerly and put on his clothes sloppily, wincing slightly when the smooth fabric came into contact with his wounds.
Then he made his way towards the door sneakily -
“I’m going to work, woman. You can sleep a bit longer.” His gruff voice was unable to hide his obvious nervousness.
“Hahi? So early in the morning? Must you go now?”
“Tenth’s orders. I won’t be back for dinner.”
He quickly opens the door and walks out before the half-naked woman could question any further.
She heaved a sigh.
It would be yet another day of tenacious waiting.
“Don’t give me that look, woman!” He snapped in frustration at the silent rebuke in those chocolate brown eyes.
“I have to work to support this home, you know that!”
She refused to be outdone by her husband’s fierce yelling.
“Every day you come home so late and there are these terrible wounds on you. And you won’t tell me why.”
She moved closer, tears in her eyes.
“Are we not husband and wife?”
Her eyes were pleading.
“I quit. I don’t want to be part of this family any longer, not knowing anything.”
She walked out, slamming the door.
The events kept replaying in his head like a broken record, mercilessly reminding him that his love has walked out of his life.
“Perhaps it’s better this way. She’ll have no future with me anyway.”
Haru dashed in, panting furiously. “Is he…?”
Tsuna smiled tiredly. “He’ll live.”
Tears slid down her pale cheeks wordlessly.
She felt a warm hand on her shoulder.
“Haru, he was trying to protect you. If you don’t know, they can’t hurt you.”
“Then why didn’t he stop me?”
“A Right Hand man’s life expectancy is relatively lower than that of his boss, after all…”
A/N: Wheeee~ I managed to make the drabbles 100 words each!:D I need more ideas, so request for the next 59 pairing!