[FMA Fic] Sunshine Gold

Nov 06, 2011 20:07

Title: Sunshine Gold
Author: yuukihikari
Characters/Pairing: Ed & Winry
Rating: G
Word Count: 490
Beta: None
Summary: Post 108 ficlet. Birth of Ed and Winry's second child :3
A/N: Woah it's short and I'm in a fluffy mood!
ALT: FFN mirror

Sunshine Gold
by Yuuki Hikari

This time Ed was prepared. This time they were experienced parents. They'd had a baby before, they'd gone through this before - Ed and Winry had spent a year and some months raising a child, watching him grow, growing themselves to understand how this part of life worked.

Once again Ed was seated in a bedroom, holding onto Winry's hand while she cried out with labour pains, but stitched up with fewer nerves than he had been before. This time Ed was prepared for a new baby and far less ignorant to so many things in life.

The baby crying its first breath still had that same euphoric rush of excitement and Ed wondered: if Winry hadn't been holding his hand, would he have actually run over to see it? He felt foolish like a child - remember, you're the adult now Edward Elric.

"It's a girl!"

Like bucket full of his thoughts had been emptied, Ed's mind went blank.

A girl?

It… she cried.

Ed was listening to a girl cry.

Ed suddenly had a moment where he felt as lost as he had when his son had been born - he was the father to a daughter? Ed had a son and he had a brother; he knew how boys worked. Ed didn't know how girls worked… well he did to the extent that he understood Winry, but an infant? Girls were different. How would he handle something so different? As long as the baby was healthy Ed didn't honestly care if his child had been a boy or a girl, but suddenly an onslaught of insecurities came beating at his mental door - could Edward Elric be a proper father for a daughter?

Winry called Ed's name.

Ed looked down to the mother of his children, his mouth unintentionally hung open. Ed tried to hide the uncertainty in his expression - he was uncertain the first time around and Winry had seen it written all over him. This time Ed wanted to be the pillar, but Winry squeezed his hand when she was still able to find the insecurities lurking in his face. Ed would just have to squeeze her hand back tighter.

After the newest life had been cleaned and tended to, the doctor brought their daughter around wrapped in a soft knitted blanket. The baby was placed in the cradle of her mother's arms and both fascinated parents peered in at the squirming, wrinkly little wonder with a blooming head of hair. Ed brushed his hand over her forehead, sweeping the fine hairs over his daughter's crown, and the soft strands in Ed's fingers began to sweep his coarse concerns away - what a fascinating shade of blonde atop their baby's head.

Ed marvelled at it: his daughter's hair was neither sunshine blonde like her mother nor stunning gold like her father…

It was the colour of gold when the sunshine reflected off of it.

Ed uncovered his trove of confidence.


fanfic, ed, ed & winry

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