Chapter 34 Preview + Update

Nov 16, 2010 09:19

Hi hi!

I skipped the preview thing for last chapter, because I couldn't post anything from it, or I'd spoil what I was doing... so back to normal! Next chapter has been called "The Cataclysm's Catalysts" and has been sent away for BetaMagic.


Preview for Ed's side

Haushofer grinned like he was satisfied with the results, nodding to Ed's reluctance and eventual answer, "And what are you doing Wednesday night?"

Ed's face soured at the continued requests for his time, "Um, my plans are in flux at the moment... why?"

"You have an invite," the professor told him, returning to the task of sorting books and records, "to one of our NSDAP Social meets."

It wasn't even half-past nine yet, and Edward's last two hours had been something of a rollercoaster. Now, the ride took Ed through tunnels that turned his stomach until he was sick, and boiled his blood on high through his veins. 'I want nothing to do with those dirty fuckers' was a statement he tried very hard not to make. Professor Haushofer was a member, and Ed didn't particularly dislike the man.

"It's a personal invite from Adolf himself, and those are rare," Haushofer gave a nod of his head, "he said that he'd sent you an invite in the mail, but there hasn't been a response, so he asked me to pass it along."

Ed stared silently at the work in his hand. The invite to the Nazi Party Social gathering had been in the mailbox when Edward and Winry returned to the house. It wasn't verbalized, but there was no doubt in either Edward or Winry's mind that Envy had some sort of hand in Hohenheim's death. The invite had been torn up and thrown in the fire. Ed wanted so badly to put his fist through the wall in frustration... or put his fist through Adolf and knock Envy from him.

"Professor, unlike my dad, I don't do politics. They don't interest me," Ed finally responded with more tact than he thought he'd have available.

"It's not politics, Edward; it's a social event. A meet and greet. What connects us may be politics, but there's no political agenda," Haushofer shrugged, trying to find a way to plead the case, "think of it as one of the university club gathering for drinks, chatter, and some laughs. It's not an official political function."

The thought of that made Edward want to laugh, but an angry, lingering thought knocking on a mental door was borrowing his attention, "I'm assuming that if it's his event, Mr. Hitler will be there too?"

"Of course," the professor nodded.

"I'll think about it," Ed's eyes shifted through the emptying room that had once been his father's place of work, "I'll see how things go."


Preview for Al's Side

"Hey!" the homunculus exclaimed with a sharp, toothy grin, "I see you!"

Izumi released her breath into the woodland air, "Did the Red Stones heighten all your senses? Or just the ones you use for hunting?" she put a hand against the thick trunk and rose to her feet, "I'd still like to know where the hell your stones came from."

Standing below, Wrath's hands came to his meager hips and he shrugged, "This conversation is getting old. I told you, Dante extracted them for me." The forest took a sharp breath as the riled homunculus reared back his AutoMail fist and slammed it into the trunk of the tree.

Izumi took hold of an upper branch, and pulled higher within the leaves of the old, shivering tree, "Extracted them how? From what? Red Stones are procured."

"Give me a good reason to tell you," again, Wrath's fist slammed into the tree, mercilessly pounding a hole through the thick trunk.

From her perch, Izumi tried to look out from beyond the higher canopy of leaves, wondering how the tree would fall once Wrath was done carving it out… and why the forest seemed to vanish in the east, "You're telling me that Dante has a stash of Red Stones just to feed you with? And she's pulled them out now, after how many months of starving you?"

Wrath's shrill laugher shook the woodlands harder than his fist shook the tree, "The Red Stones aren't for me. I just get the leftovers."

Izumi's frown tightened, "What are the Red Stones for then?"

"What good reason did you find to convince me to tell you?" Wrath's arms flopped to his side while he twisted his neck upwards to spot Izumi.

"Why does Dante have them when she has the Philosopher's Stone?" Izumi called down to the creature.

Wrath only shrugged in response, throwing back his fist, locking his shoulder, and thundering his arm through the thick trunk of the tree again. He grinned a little when the wood began to groan, "Why not?"

Izumi rolled her eyes, gritting her teeth as the tree's balance began to give way, "This was so much easier when you didn't talk back."


I had a muse jump onto my head and start gnawing. I'd always wanted to draw a title page for HWSfH and one fiiiinally showed up. I'm quite happy :D. It's just the lineart for now, but I do want to colour it.


I've also got an FMA Christmas art idea that I've been toying with (and has nothing to do with HWSfH zomg!). Since it's Nov 16 (HOLY CRAP how did that happen?) I should have enough time to work it out. Suprises in December maybe? Not sure if I'll post it here or in yuukihikari. My art seems to keep to my main journal for some reason... I blame KH for that lol.

hwsfh art, hwsfh previews, fanfic, fanart

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