Title: Skinny Love
Characters: Kuro/Fai, Tomoyo, mention of Souma
Anonymous AU (could be Horitsuba, could not be)
Warnings: no spoilers, character death
Rating / Genre: G+ / Angst
Fai’s arms wrapped around Kurogane’s waist from behind. He had lost so much weight recently that he may as well have not been there at all. )
I understand your nervousness;;; When I first joined LJ I was too scared to post my stuff to comms and such because I didn't think anybody would want to see them, but everyone in the KF comms are so nice and helpful, and there are lots of readers that will give really in-depth critiques if you ask for them. The way I thought of it was; If I never take the chance, I'll never have the opportunity to improve. All of us here are still learning and improving, and that's through the feedback of others :3
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