and I ended up reading 96 entries of 山P's diary (from JE-WEB)
Which made all the difference.. 'cause it made me so very happy!!
So thank you Helen(hit me if I am wrong) for all the great translations
Ah and there are others that I need to thank...[here on LJ] Aayashi - for awesome uploads.. especially Teppen.. So thank you so very much..
I am in heaven every time I listen to Teppen..
Akiradown - Thank you for your uploads.. (and I have to remember to come by and thank you properly)
among things you can find download links to Shounen wa Tori ni Natta.
I haven't been able to see it yet, but I will today.. So you see after all this turn out to be a very happy week for me.. *laughs*
what more is there to say, but that I LOVE 山P!!!
I even thought about writing and telling about how much his dairy makes me happy
but then I remember I can't that much japanese... ^_^;
but I guess I will work it out somehow, ne?
I been listening a lot to 山P and NewS.. (wasn't that obvious)
and what's making me so happy is that my mom likes Sayaendou!!
Yesterday when she came home I was playing it.. and at first she thought it was a spanish song.. *hehe*
and while listening she got this smile and said "I like it"
(and coming from my mom that means a lot, 'cuase usually she can't stand "boy-bands")
ah well I have to like go now... 'cause I have to see Shounen wa Tori ni Natta...
So I'll see ya around, ne!?
...Cinderella Boy; is probably the best b-side title to a single I ever heard ^_^V