Pink white orchid and what ever comes to mind; in short: Modifyed Journal

Aug 01, 2005 01:37

Topic: Journal modification... I was like going for a stile that reminded me somewhat of my old kimono.. not sure that it is that alike, but at least the colors are working ^_^V

but I like it...better then the grey-black thing I had before, although I like black, and maybe it's a little to girly.. my friends would die from chock ^O^ ...and I would singing something like this..
"At first I was afraid
I was petrified
Kept thinkin' I could never live
With you by my side;
But then I spent so many nights
Thinkin' how I did you wrong
And I grew strong
And so you're back
From outta space...
Pink! I will survive.."

*hehe* sorry can't help it... high? nah not really; just a little hem "gone gone gone"...0_0' or something like that..

maybe I should stop typing before this gets really start singing on some really lame song like "I never break your hart"... *gets the chills just by thinking of it*

ya ne Yui
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