I live!

Feb 10, 2006 15:24

Finally getting around to updating this because I've been grading exams for the past week. There wasn't a single passing score.

No curve.

General Chemistry
Course Syllabus

Instructor: Yuuhi Kurenai

Required Material: Chemistry by Zumdahl and a $30.00 lab fee.

Attendance is mandatory. If I find that you have cut my class, I will hunt you down and force you to scrape the gum off the bottom of the desks after school.

Homework will be assigned weekly. It is collectively due on Friday. Homework will make up 10% of your grade. Though homework is not a big factor in the grade for this class, it is still highly encouraged and recommended to complete it and to have a comprehensive understanding of the content of the homework. Knowing the homework will help significiantly with pop quizzes and exams. I am also keeping a list of those who aren't turning in their homework. You better be crapping your pants if you don't do your homework 'cause I know where you live.

Lab Reports:
There will be one lab per chapter. Lab reports to are to be done in pairs and are due within a week of the lab.

Quizzes and exams:
There will be pop quizzes in class in order to promote a clear understanding of material before coming to class. They will be make up 10% of your grade. Exams will be given after the completion of a chapter. They will make up 20% of your grade.

The final:
There will be two finals, each given at the end of a semester. They will account for 40% of your grade, collectively.

Classroom participation is highly encouraged and makes up 5% of your grade.

I don't want any of you whiny overachievers complaining about the difficulty of my class. I will not be lenient with my grading. An 89.9% is still a B+.

Attendance: 5%
Pariticipation: 5%
Lab reports: 10%
Hoemwork: 10%
Quizzes: 10%
Exams: 20%
Final: 40%

90.0%-100.% A
80.0%-89.9% B
70.0%-79.9% C
60.0%-69.9% D
0.00%-59.9% You fail at life.

Note that I used the rules of significant digits.

I will not tolerate any cheating in this class. If I find anyone cheating, I will have his or her eyes gouged out and their fingers burned off by the hydrochloric acid kept in the lab. Cheating will result in an F in the class and immediate expulsion from it.

[ooc]: MIDTERMS ARE OVER. Kurenai-sensei is out to play~ I have read the timeline and stuff and am confused about who is with who and who wants to kill who and such. @_@; But I'll manage. xD Sorry for the short post, still trying to get the hang of this community and this character. ^_^;
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