TOP SECRET: Interrogation Report - Subject Momochi Zabuya

Jul 24, 2007 11:07

Genjutsu interrogation complete. Subject Momochi Zabuya broke free of genjutsu through means of an apparent "second mentality" that was a completely uncontrollable state of berserker. I believe it's possible this was a "fail-safe" Orochimayu may have implanted in Momochi at some point, perhaps since her resurrection.

ANBU guards subdued her before she could cause damage, however, it's this particular jutsu's nature to mentally incapacitate any who strongly resist or break free. Momochi Zabuya is currently in a state of comatose.

It is urgent that I report further information to you immediately and directly, Hokage-sama.

[[OOC: While Astrid and I are still working on the actual interrogation thread (which will still be continued), as promised, we're moving plot along at this time. This report sums up the ending/aftermath of the interrogation so hopefully no one will be too confused as to what players are supposed to actually be doing right now--Zabuya being in a coma, for instance until Tsurude (or someone assigned BY Tsurude) wakes her up.

Perhaps it should also be noted that at this time the location of one of Orochimayu's hideouts has been revealed in the interrogation. That information is currently confidential to Hokage, and not something to just be "overheard" by anyone. ...Unless that helps make the plot more evil. >D That is all!]]

confidental report, zabuya, hokage

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