Apr 28, 2007 07:58
Who: Ani Toguro, Rando, Miyuki
Where: Rando's apartment
When: Saturday Night
Summary: After Rando's last adventure finds him falling into the wrong hands, Ani Toguro decides to repay the visit
Note to Shuuichi: log here D: it's too hard to get all three of us online
The sun had long sunk behind the mountains, the plush apartment- already littered with black furniture- was hidden completely under Night's blanket. There was no light to distinguish floor from furniture or wall, as all traces had been blocked out by the black curtains.
Miyuki lay wide awake, staring at the ceiling, conscious of the small weight on his chest. Ever since Rando's last encounter with Ani, the Toguro's 'visit' to the apartment had become inevitable, and the concept of enjoying a care-free sleep destroyed. No matter what happened, he would be found out, that he couldn't avoid, but stopping Rando from being abducted again...that he could.
He just hoped Ani would disregard that one little comment he left about Miss Edith...
toguro ani