Friday Is Just All Right With Me

Jun 09, 2006 17:06

Welcome to the end of the week, world.

Well, for some of us anyway.   Strictly speaking, my 'Friday' floats around depending on my schedule.  Sometimes it falls on a Wednesday or Thursday, sometimes it doesn't hit till Saturday.  But it's all subjective anyway.  'Friday' in this context means 'end of the working week, time for a little R&R'.

Myself, nothing elaborate planned; rest, video gaming, maybe a little RPG'ing later on Saturday, movies (right now 'Advent Children' is making a valiant effort to exceed the number of repeat times I've watched it as opposed to 'Yu-Gi-Oh: The Movie' and/or 'Ju-On') and a little late-night reading on the F&SF e-zine forums scattered around the Web.

I did warn you it was nothing elaborate. *grin*

Point of this rambling I suppose is to wish you, whoever you are, a good downtime.  Whatever you choose to do with your free time, enjoy it.   Playtime is one of the first things we learn as a new life in this world, yanno.  Think about it.  It's one of the first stages where we begin to explore what's around us; it's a way of creating our first connections with others; and, well, it's just plain fun.

I like to tell people that age really is just a number, along with the corollary that being grown-up just means I'm old enough to buy my OWN toys.  I hope you believe that, or at least try to.  I think it's part of what keeps us young inside, in our minds, where it counts.

So go do something silly today for yourself.  Something no 'responsible adult' would do.  Get a great big sundae and eat it in the sloppiest way possible.  Dance through some puddles.  Feed the ducks down at the park.  Plug 5 or 6 bucks into your favorite video game at the arcade, or crack out the dusty old Genesis/XBox/Playstation/whatever and see if it still works.  Sing out loud.  Go to the movies and get the Ten-Ton Bucket o'Popcorn, extra butter.  Raid the local hobby store for some really cool kits or expansions or cards or anything else that catches your eye.  Try eating Oriental with chopsticks, if you never have before.

Life isn't all about being serious.  It's way too big for that.
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