Writing to-do

Feb 03, 2017 23:42

Throwing together a to-finish list for
onedeadplotbunny, just because.

I like to set my goals low, so this basically a vague "I want to finish these, maybe". I have a lot more wips than the ones listed, but... ehhh.

To finish (in general)
-At least one fic started in 2015 (any of them)
-At least one fic started in 2016 (any of them) Complete (Try again, and again, and again; SSSS, Niko/Lalli)
-One fic in a fandom other than my mains (so, not Hetalia, SSSS, aRTD, or YOI)
-One original fic over 2k

Stuff already in progress that I'm interested in finishing
-Pokemon Go: The one with the Blanche/Candela porn
-A Redtail's Dream: The one with Ville and Hannu and food as a metaphor for love
-Frozen: The one where Elsa falls in love with a polar explorer
-Hetalia: The one where Finland and Åland go camping

Stuff I haven't started yet, but want to
-Pokemon S&M: Hau/Sun, set very postcanon
-SSSS: The one where Tuuri meets Seija and maybe there is romance
-SSSS: The one set in Kajaani, with Riidá and Seija, about looting ruins.
-Original: Jacques/Yuriy, the one where they go to Wolfville

Stuff I have removed from the list
-War of the Worlds: The one from the Martian POV
-Hetalia: The Norway/Germany fic I've been stalled on forever
-Original: Jacques/Yuriy, that cafe walk story
-YOI: The vaguely pretentious Phichit/GuangHong/Leo porn

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3539319.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

lists, writing, onedeadplotbunny

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