Current events + CanPol + Emergency House of Commons Debate + etc

Jan 31, 2017 19:03

Brought the subject of the vigil up at supper; to my pleasant surprise, I got no pushback. We did have a bit of debate about whether it's accurate to call it a terrorist attack. Parents say it's a hate crime, not a terrorist attack. I say it can be both. But, that doesn't matter. Point is, I'm going. I'll have to go in to work on my day off for a while to make up for the time I'll lose by leaving early, but that's okay.


...Well, if nothing else, the recent events have made me pay more actual attention to politics than I ever have. I can't believe I'm watching a House of Commons livestream on CPAC. Though to be fair, it's an emergency debate on the subject of current events and the Safe Third Country Agreement. (I don't think this is what mom had in mind when she gave me this ipad for christmas, PFFFF)

That said, it's kind of painful. The NDP are almost the only ones on topic; the others keep skating around the issue, especially the Liberals, sigh. And of course my own asshat of an MP didn't even show up. Surprise, surprise. (At least, I have seen no indication on media that he is there. And he... doesn't seem the sort that would go. From what I can tell. But we'll see, hopefully later there will be a list of who attended.)

Man, when even the Conservatives are calling you out on your shit, you know things are kind of a mess.

Holy shit, though, Jenny Kwan is fucking badass. No surprise, considering she's the one who called this to begin with. I've never thought about moving to Vancouver, but I must say, it'd be nice to live somewhere where I'm represented by someone who gives a shit.

Unfortunately for me, the NDP doesn't really have any presence in my area. Well, it's there, but just a blip. I'm stuck between the Conservatives on one hand, and Wild Rose on the other hand. Ugh. The only way I'm going to get out of this is by moving. Or if the population pulls its collective head out of its ass (not going to happen).

Ughhhh [/puts face on desk] I hope something useful will come of this, but I really don't know. Get back on topiiiiic....

It's a little hard for me to follow because there's so much stuff going on, and even though I'm not streaming from my old clunker of a computer, it keeps cutting out. I hear there will be transcripts available later... I might give them a look.

But seriously, if I hear the phrase "Beacon of hope" one more time, I'm gonna scream. QUIT BLUSTERING AND GET TO THE POINT, YOU HOSERS.

Augh fuck me, this thing ends at like 10 PM my time. To watch the whole thing or to go for a run... HMM.... Augh, fuckit. [/sits]

Many of the Conservatives are surprisingly reasonable, especially with regard to lifting or at least raising the cap on private immigration sponsorship... The Fort Saskatchewan guy, whatsisface, is mostly okay.(Maybe I should move to Fort Saskatchewan? I mean, hey, at least it's in Alberta. And it's pretty close to Edmonton. And five hours away from my parents, heh.) He pulled out the Bible verses, sure, but he used them to actually argue in favour of acceptance. "I was a stranger, and you invited me in" etc. I wish more Christians would actually take those words and run with them in the right direction. Though who knows if this guy actually practices what he preaches. (...And er, maybe Parliament isn't the appropriate place for Bible quotes. Ahem.)

[ETA] Okay, I take it back, he's mooostly reasonable-ish as far as Albertan Conservatives go (which... uh well um) but the whole "should we have more emergency debate on human rights issues" thing... ONE THING AT A TIME, mate. There's lots of shit going on in the world, but this one involves us directly, right now!

Now let's get back to the subject of the Safe Third Country Agreement, please....

Aaaand the final result is.... a boatload of ugh. I feel like this got nowhere. :T Maybe I'll feel differently when I read the transcript (assuming there will be one) or at least details about the conclusion, but it just seemed like the Liberals were blustering a lot, which is a problem. I thiiink they're meeting again tomorrow, during the daytime - probably won't be watching that one but who knows (then again maybe? I mean I can just put the window up and listen as I do my work... Hm.)



And of course, no sign of my MP, and no comments on the subject of the debate on any kind of social media either. Sonovagun.

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canada, politics

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