Note to self: Research various organizations that benefit the lives of Indigenous people. Especially ones focused toward northern Canada, especially-especially re: the Dene.
I'm going to donate some amount of money, not sure how much, every time I hear my parents making nasty comments about Natives. I can't come out and say "You guys are absolute shitheads" because it would make my home life horrible, and it's not like they would stop being nasty and racist if I pointed out that they're nasty and racist. But at least I can do... uh... something. About this. A little.
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I keep putting it off because effort. But you know what, I really did not need to start off this morning by hearing comments like what I heard today, so... yeah.
Ffff I'm cranky because haa, starting today like this. And then I got to work and found out that my officemate is sick. Which means she'll probably give it to me. And knowing me, I'll get sick over the weekend. OH JOY. Can you tell how thrilled I am? Absolutely thrilled.
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