Ice + Rainbows [YOI GH-centric braindump]

Dec 17, 2016 22:37

Had some conversations with anon(s) on the subject of Guang Hong's home city, + miscellaneous LeoJi stuff. Just going to dump my brain all over that....

* Brief exchange re: home city - as it stands right now, Guang Hong could be from basically anywhere in China, since we don't have any canon information for that. Anon suggests Harbin. It's a northern city close to the Russian border. Very cold. They have a big ice festival every year, and the sculptures are pretty by themselves, but then they deck them out in rainbow lights and it's absolutely stunning (seriously, go imagesearch some pictures of these ice sculptures, they're pretty neat).

Anyway... I like this idea! A lot! Bitterly cold city + ice + lots of rainbow lights in winter = basically my aesthetic, haha. But the lights in particular - that just seems to fit him so well. (And not just because his name contains the character for 'rainbow'. Though there is that too. Speaking of, have I mentioned before that I love this detail? Because I totally do. Rainbows, seriously...) And I guess I just like the thought of such a sweet little ball of sunshine being from somewhere so far north. ...And I confess that writing northern settings comes easier to me than other areas, so that's convenient.

Even though I like this idea, I don't know if I'll ever write something that makes use of it. But it's nice that if the subject ever does come up in the story, or if I decide to write something set with him at home, then I'll have a location in mind to use, rather than fretting over trying to decide on something.

Unrelated: this subthread is part of a longer thing, which involved some derailing porn in response to trolling, and tl;dr I had never considered Yurio->Guang Hong, but now that anon has made me consider it, I... kind of find the idea interesting? I'd already been thinking about interaction in gen contexts, because we know from episode 11 that they were at Golden Spin together (!) which means some interaction was possible. So... why not take that and run with it, heh. It's kind of lolwat as a pairing, but a dash of wat never hurt anybody. ;p (Man, how the heck did Guang Hong become my bicycle?! Well, I guess it was inevitable - when I love a character, I end up wanting to ship them with everybody, no matter if it makes sense or not.)

* And then there was this longer thread on the subject of Leo/Guang Hong and fic we want to see and so on. I think Anon has been inhabiting my brain or something, because they have so many good ideas, and everything that they want is basically what I want too, heh.

A lot of what we ended up discussing is more or less covered under that ideas dump I posted recently. But they also brought up Shanghai Blade roleplay and... oh my god. I didn't know I wanted this. xD But I do want this. Apparently. I guess it's just - I love the idea of Guang Hong having this wild imagination, and he just lets it run in all of these interesting ("interesting") directions, and that this might come out somehow in his relationship with Leo, too. I'd previously considered some more tame scenarios where he just, you know, makes up stories and inserts himself into them in a more typical kind of way, but then when you put it in the context of the relationship... well.

Actually writing it could prove challenging - anything that involves them physically being in the same place is hard. But writing a fic that involves text-based roleplay would also be challenging. I have some ideas about how I'd go about it if I did decide to do it, though. (I won't, but you know.) ...The hardest part would be writing, well, anything that Guang Hong writes, honestly.

Fffff I also love the idea that nonny suggested, of them exchanging playlists. I wish 63454 versions of this fic existed right now. Also, actual playlists. I should... put together a playlist for this. Yes. But picking songs would be so hard, I don't know - argh, I'll have to think of something.

(I was going to write more, but I'm tired, and all of this is silly and too long already. I just love this pairing so much, and I'm happy I was actually able to have a conversation about them.)

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thoughts, yuri on ice

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