
Dec 16, 2016 19:09

OC-related braindump, because recently I wrote something* involving two characters that I've had for yeeeeaaars. Yuriy and Jacques have been on my mind lately.

While there's no guarantees, it seems that I'll probably never actually feel like writing out the story of how they got together. Their story has changed a lot over the years anyway - it was originally some cheesy scifi thing, now it's just a normal-world romance - and there are still a lot of details that I'm not decided on. How they met in the first place, for instance - I keep changing my mind. And that's fine. I can have fun with my characters anyway. Push my dolls together and make them kiss, so to speak. ;p

(It would be a simple story, anyway. Guy meets guy, they eventually become Involved, somewhere along the line they both have some kind of revelation about what this will lead to.)

But I've finally decided on a surname for Yuriy, so that's something. He's been without one for pretty much the entire time he's been a character. And I've settled on Halifax for a location for the story, which is nice. (Originally, it was to take place in Montreal... and I'm still kind of considering the idea of them originally meeting somewhere other than Halifax. But, who knows.)

Ehh... hmm. Let's have some brief character details, why not.

Jacques Li-Levesque
-Canadian of mixed heritage (Acadien + Chinese).
-Age is 20-23 range, ish
-Friendly, warm, little bundle of sunshine. Jacques is the kind of person who gets along pretty easily with most people, but sometimes has difficulty making deep connections, because he's very... all over the place, always doing something. Tends to be a bit flighty with his attentions. But once he latches onto somebody, he doesn't want to let go.
-Speaks English, pretty good Acadien French, and some Cantonese. The Cantonese-speaking side of his family lives on the other side of the country, so he never really put in the effort to learn it properly... he has some regrets about that now.
-Art student. Very focused on painting and drawing, generally. He has some big dreams... who knows where that will take him?
-Luckily for Jacques, he has full support from both his parents... His father, Jean-Luc Levesque, is a very successful artist specializing in glass and ceramics and a bit of sculpture. Well-known both in the Maritimes and across the country. His mother, June Li, once had aspirations about art, but put that aside for a more practical career - now she wishes she hadn't given it up entirely.
-His relationship with Yuriy could be described as... "Whatever you want me to be for you, then that's what I'll be." A friend or a lover - either is good. Serious relationships don't come easily for either of them, and this is something that Jacques wants to hold on to.

Yuriy Zaitsev
-Russian immigrant to Canada. (I haven't decided how long he has been in the country/whether he has citizenship or not.) His family is still back in Russia, with no plans to follow him. He mostly keeps in contact with his sister, who he loves dearly. (Name undecided.)
-5 years older than Jacques, or perhaps more (Undecided)
-Usually looks as if he hasn't slept in a week. Prone to flatface.
-A quiet, thoughtful type. Somewhat shy. Unless you know him well, it's hard to tell what he's actually thinking, because he gives everything close consideration before he says it, and he often doesn't say what he's actually feeling at all. But once he actually opens up... he's really very kind, the sort of person who expresses himself in little gestures of affection that mean more than they appear to on the surface.
-Speaks Russian and English. ...Considering learning Canadian French for, ah, reasons. ;)
-Very tech-oriented, excellent at fixing computers and miscellaneous other machines. Works in this field, primarily. Also does some translation on the side. (And he has this one big personal project, some sort of poetry translation, that he dreams of publishing some day... He's very secretive about it.)
-Wasn't able to accept that he's attracted to men until he met Jacques. The feelings hit him like a brick to the face, and now he can't deny it. Acceptance is coming, but... slowly. This is the first relationship he's been in that actually felt right, and he really doesn't want to screw it up - which makes everything harder. But they're both working on this together. It will be easier some day.

It feels a little bit weird to write out details like this, because it feels weird to be writing anything with/about these characters at all. I guess, for a long time, I was reluctant to put anything down, because it wasn't the long story that I should be writing. But now that I've decided I probably won't write their story, it feels kind of freeing. It's okay to just fuck around and play with it. It's okay to have fun with it.

Not that I need to give myself permission, but, y'know. Actually, I do. Allowing myself to not take things seriously is hard, and it takes practice!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3524556.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

oc nonsense, writing

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