
Dec 04, 2016 20:19

☆ Yesterday involved writing YOI fic while nomming katsudon at my favourite Japanese restaurant on a lovely, mild day. Good times. Even though I had to do a lot of running around, it was nice to take a few moments to chill like that. Though, they recognize me by now, which is kind of... well, I hadn't realized that I go there so often.

☆ Snowed today. A lot. Eew. I'm not looking forward to trudging through that tomorrow. BUT IT MUST BE DONE. (Sigh)

☆ Put up the tree with my parents today. I swear, five minutes with them in a situation like this would drive even someone to drink. As it was, that glass of wine was not nearly enough. But at least it's DONE and I don't have to think about it any more. I'll be kind of glad when this month is over, because I actually kind of hate Christmas.

☆ I finished drafting my fic for the Silver Linings zine. Whoo! ...Unfortunately, I hate it. Nooooo! But it's typical for me to hate my writing at certain stages, so it'll probably be fine. I think I know why I hate it, too - it's not grounded enough in a sense of time and place - and that's an easy enough thing to fix with revising. And maybe reading up on the time period a little more to get into the right feeling for it. It'll be fine by the end - at this point, I can write Hetalia with my hands tied behind my back - but you know how it is.

☆ ...Reaaallly should start working on my Silent Night assignment one of these days, shouldn't I. Maybe once I get that zine fic sent off, it'll be easier to concentrate on it. I have ideas! I just. I don't know. :V I think I took on too many commitments. But once that thing is done, yes. I'm aiming for doing assignment + 1 treat, maybe more. So glad for the short minimum.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3520817.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

hetalia, writing, silentnightex, life

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