♪ ♫ ♪.。₀:*゚☆

Dec 01, 2016 18:35

☆ Dreamwidth was down for maintenance today. I internally flipped my shit. Guess I hadn't realized just how much time I spend on this place. (My anoncomms, man!) ...I ended up reading fic. Whaddayaknow.

☆ Note to self: Take dad's computer down to the repair joint on Saturday. Sigh. I hadn't planned this weekend to be super busy, but when I tally up all of the stuff that I want to do, it doesn't leave much wiggle room. Maybe watching that movie will have to wait....

☆ Have a song: Passenger - Beautiful Birds ...Damn son, this is my first time hearing anything from this album (Young as the Morning, Old as the Sea) and oh nooo, am I going to have to get this one too... I think I will. Or maybe I'll ask for it for Christmas. Some of Passenger's stuff kind of runs together, but when he's good, he's really good.

☆ I got an awesome story idea while I was walking home from work! Of course, I can't say what it is, because when I talk about my ideas too much, they end up not getting written. But it is Super Cool, and I'm really excited about it. Maybe I should try working on it tonight?! MAYBE. Even though I'm both exhausted and hyped. Going to have to simultaneously wake up and chill out, geeze. Now, where is my pen...

☆ Oh, and speaking of writing, the short aRTD fic I wrote for the SSSSForum advent calendar was revealed today, and it can be read in the relevant thread or over here at my writing journal. Yay!

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3519912.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, music, a redtail's dream, life

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