La belle et la bête (2014) [Film rec]

Nov 11, 2016 21:55

If you're looking for a film that will leave you feeling good, here's a suggestion: La belle et la bête (2014) [IMDB | Trailer]. I watched it this evening with the usual group of people, and it was really nice to settle down to something like this. I loved it. The French really know how to make a fairytale movie, let's just say. :D

The costumes are gorgeous, the scenery is beautiful, there's a delightful dreamlike quality woven throughout - and it just left me feeling warm and happy. (Plus, spoiler - it ends with a stampede of puppies. A++ ending.) Belle has a lot of spirit, too, which was great.

It follows the textual version of the story more closely than the Disney interpretation does. So, if you prefer the written version of the story, you might enjoy this. I'm kind of curious to see how the upcoming Disney live-action version will compare - obviously they will be following different versions of the story, but it's hard to say at this point which one I will like better.

So, yes. If you want to watch something pretty and sparkly and gorgeous that will leave you feeling happy and comfortable, it might be worth giving this film a look.

Also, if you've read T Kingfisher's Bryony and Roses* and enjoyed that, you might like this film. Belle isn't as hardcore about gardening as Bryony is, but she isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, and I like that. (If you haven't read it, but you're curious and have a device that can read epub, drop me a PM. I'll buy it for you if we are mutuals. No problemo.)

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recs, movies

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