Stuff and things ☆

Nov 06, 2016 09:33

☆ Had plans for today, but... maybe I'll just flop down and do nothing instead. Maybe. I think I'm coming down with something; in fact, physically, I feel utterly terrible. So, probably better to take it easy.

☆ Interested in seeing Doctor Strange. I dunno, the previews look neat, and
diplopod enjoyed it, so.... Might consider going down to the cinema to watch it next weekend, depending on the weather (and whether this cold or whatever it is leaves me alone). I haven't been to the cinema since before the wildfire, and I've been meaning to do it, but nothing that I've really been in the mood for has been showing.

☆ It's SUCH a nice day outside, which is kind of at odds with my desire to flump down and do nothing. I want to savour as much sunlight as I can before we're PLUNGED INTO COLD AND DARKNESS for however many months. Maybe I should just... go for a little walk, or something. Drag my carcass outside for half an hour or so. Finish hatching some pokemon eggs or something. Urghhh.

☆ My WIP folder is such a mess. I have so many snips and snaps of random things, and most of them aren't substantial, and it's driving me batty. Clearly the only logical thing to do would be to finish some of them, but I'm in one of those moods where all I want to write is plotless Hetalia porn with obscure pairings. Nothing wrong with that, of course, but I should be working on other things, because -

☆ I have so many fic projects with deadlines coming up, geeze. Going to write these down for my own reference.

-Nov 20: SSSSForum Advent Calendar fic due (Date it will be posted: Dec 01) *Min: 500 words
-Dec 18: Yuletide Assignment deadline *Min: 1k
-Dec 20: Silver Linings Zine contribution due *Min: 800 words
-Jan 07: Silent Night Assignment due *Min: 500 words

...Okay, that's it, no more due-date projects for me until some of those get knocked off the list. THAT'S TOO MANY. Though collectively it only comes out to a mandatory 2.8k of fic, and I have ideas for most of these already, so it isn't THAT bad, but still.

☆ I dunno what else to say. Have some art recs:
  • Yuri on Ice characters in historical Russian clothing, by Kimmuc. Good lord, I love the way they drew Victor. *_*
  • Phichit being his adorable social-media addicted self, by krayonela
  • Phichit and Yuuri and a big hug by moonsieroll (Yuuri is going to topple over any second now...)
  • Hetalia Romania/Norway being adorable in an autumn setting, by koorizatokashi2. CUTIES (I've been so into this pair lately, I should write them...)
  • SSSS Sigrun/Emil cozy h/c in limited palette, by Jureeya. Utterly gorgeous - but of course her art always is.

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hetalia, writing, life, yuri on ice, stand still stay silent, recs, movies

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