
Oct 22, 2016 21:48

☆ Today consisted of some delicious lunch at Yoshi's, shopping, writing, and some lovely walks. Feels good! It was a great day.

☆ A lot of the snow that was dumped on us earlier has cleared away, and it's warm enough to wear autumn clothing again. I'm so glad for that. It was just way too early for snowboots, geeze.

☆ I have been doing very little lately aside from writing, knitting, and watching movies, but... that's okay. :D I've been feeling a little high-strung lately, so it's good to chill out a little.

☆ Arrrgh, mom is already talking about Christmas presents. This kind of stuff is always frustrating, because she's the kind of person who never takes me at my word when I say that I only want one or two specific things. If I say that I want the latest Pokemon game and a new pair of moccasins, and nothing else, I'm not making it up. (Especially since proper Canadian-made deerskin moccasins are not cheap...) Aaand of course I'm going to have to start looking for presents for everybody. Grumble, grumble. If only shopping for my family could be as easy as shopping for my friends. :V Oh, well.

☆ Finally managed to catch ep 3 of Yuri on Ice. <3 I'm still enjoying it, which is good. Wow, was the subtext ever turned up to eleven here. Now I finally know what everyone was flailing about, haha. Kind of raising an eyebrow at people going on about how it's supposedly 'revolutionary', though. But hey, what do I know - I'm just here for the pretty skating sequences.

☆ Also, I've finally managed to get around to watching Ice Fantasy! Or at least, one episode of it. This drama is basically what I expected it to be: Kind of cheesy, but SO PRETTY. I am definitely willing to put up with certain levels of cheese if it means I get handsome elves with ice powers. (Feng Shaofeng as Prince Ka Suo = omg I totally needed this in my life). And the COSTUMES, you guys, good lord! *_* So, yeah, going to stick with it for a while - not sure how quickly I'll get through it, since knitting while watching something with subtitles is a challenge, but ah well.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3510372.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

weather, ice fantasy, life, yuri on ice

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