
Oct 16, 2016 21:58

☆ IT. IS. SO. SNOWY. Good lord, I just want to curl up with blankets and tea and movies and not come out until, like, April. It's too early for this shit. (I'm going to keep repeating that until December.)

☆ Been trying to work on some personal writing, just because it's been a little while since I've poked at something that isn't for an exchange. Guys, poetry is hard. WHY did I decide this one was a good idea? It's over 1k, which is way longer than what I'd usually do when it comes to poetry. And it's very... niche (basically, one of those things that's only of interest to me - OC nonsense) and I just, argh, why. It's a fun challenge, but geeze. On the upside, if I manage to get this thing the way I want it, then it'll be the long angsty eulogy that Tarja deserves, haha.

☆ I've discovered that I have more patience for drawing when I'm sketching inanimate objects purely in coloured pencil. No graphite, no erasing, no attempts to draw people. Interesting. I guess in such a situation, it's easier for my brain to stop worrying and just slap something down, because it accepts the fact that perfection is impossible. Not to mention that it avoids the subject that I find most frustrating (people, ugh). Plus, working with colour - that's something I love. We'll see how this goes. No clue whether I'll keep it up.

☆ Anti-rec: Children of the Corn (2009). I can put up with a lot when it comes to bad horror films, but this one was irredeemably bad. I couldn't get through more than half an hour of it. Which is a shame, because I have no issues with, say, the visuals or the pacing or the effects or anything like that - I actually rather like the way it was filmed, from what little I saw of it - but the protagonists were so utterly annoying, I absolutely couldn't stand them. And I have an irregularly high tolerance for horror film protagonists. ...Clearly, I should give the original a try; see if I like that one any better. I remember wayyyy back when, my mate Raylene used to make references to it sometimes - but our tastes didn't align perfectly, so who knows.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3509612.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, weather, drawing, movies

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