Silent Night Exchange Letter :。・:*:・゚'☆

Oct 14, 2016 21:38

Dear Silent Night creator:

Hi! I'm really looking forward to seeing what you'll come up with. I've tried to provide a lot of prompts to give you some ideas. Don't feel you need to be 100% confined by these prompts, though. I enjoy a lot of things, and my interests are pretty broad, so I'll be pretty happy with anything that includes my requested characters as long as it doesn't hit my dislikes. If you have an exciting idea that isn't listed here, go ahead and do that! I bet it'll be awesome.

For reference, my Ao3 username is yuuago.
Questions/comments/requests for clarification are welcome.

General likes and dislikes

☆ General likes: Canon-typical horror (or even a push beyond that). Canon-typical violence. Quiet, cozy moments between two people. Situations where the setting is important. Atmospheric moments. "Presumed dead" scenarios. People helping each other. Battle scenes. Sharing food as a gesture of affection. Taking care of injuries. Hurt/comfort. People having coffee/tea/hot drinks together. "aRTD during year 0" scenarios.

☆ Art-specific likes: Illustrated scenes, such as one scene out of a described fic prompt. Backgrounds. Canon-typical creepiness. Canon-typical colour palettes. Limited colour palettes, especially b&w + pop of colour. Trolls and monsters and other scary things. People covered in the blood of their enemies. Physical contact (hugs, high-fives, fistbumps, cuddles, kisses...) ...and shippy art of my rarepairs. 8)

☆ Please do not include: AUs/Crossovers unless otherwise requested. Non-canon character death. Unrequested noncanon pairings. Languages other than English (no random Finnish dialogue please...). Sexual violence. Forest fires/house fires (Emil-typical use of explosives for demolition is okay; please avoid detailed depictions of professional Cleansing IE controlled forest burning). Also, I'd prefer not to receive 18+ work except for where specifically requested.

#1. aRTD Requests: Friendship & Family

Requested medium: Fanfic or Fanart
Requested tags: Åsa Skärsholm & Ms. Seal, Jouko Kuikka & Topi Viitanen, Riikka Skärsholm & Åsa Skärsholm, Hannu Viitanen & Ville, SSSS crossover, Post-Canon
Other details: I'd just like to emphasize that aRTD during the early years of SSSS's apocalypse is always welcome for any of these duos. Characters fighting a troll together, or exploring mage powers, or preparing to leave home to try to escape the illness, or even just discussing this terrifying thing that's happening, would all be great!

☆ Åsa Skärsholm & Ms. Seal: I liked the banter between them, the way that they seem like old friends. More of their early attempts at defeating the Pike before Hannu showed up would be interesting to see. Or what if they somehow met after the dream? What if Ms Seal came to visit Åsa - maybe just because she misses her friend, or maybe because there's another supernatural incident that they need to worry about? (Such as the SSSS apocalypse, perhaps?)

☆ Jouko Kuikka & Topi Viitanen: We know from author comments and from the bonus comics that Jouko and Hannu's father, Topi, are pretty close. I love the idea that they've always been friends. Maybe one of the reasons that the twins drive Jouko crazy is because he and Topi were exactly like that when they were their age, always getting into trouble. ;) I'd love to see one of those adventures. Perhaps they had a supernatural experience of their own, and didn't tell anybody about it? Or perhaps it was something more mundane, similar to the Graveyard Incident.

☆ Riikka Skärsholm & Åsa Skärsholm: I'd like to see a quiet moment between Riikka and her aunt. <3 I like to imagine that they're close. Maybe they're out boating together, or taking an autumn walk. Maybe they're having coffee together while sharing memories of the really crazy dream that they had! Or maybe they're preparing to pack up and load their things onto Åsa's boat so they can escape the apocalypse. ;)

☆ Hannu Viitanen & Ville: Both pre-canon and post-canon scenarios are equally okay, because I love both doggy!Ville and human!Ville. :) Hannu taking care of puppy!Ville would be fun to see; taking him for walks, or playing in the snow with him, or brushing him out, all the while being adorably grumpy even while he dotes on Ville. Or postcanon moments where he tries to teach Ville things, like how to read or cook or what exactly snowball fights are... :D

#2. aRTD Requests: Romantic Relationships

Requested medium: Fanfic or Fanart
Requested tags: Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm, Joona Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen, Jonna Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen, Kielo Miettinen/Swan of Tuonela, SSSS crossover, Post-canon
Other details: As mentioned in request #1, any of these pairings during the early years of the SSSS apocalypse would be wonderful. I love G-rated romance, but I'm also okay with most other ratings. If you want to go the 18+ route, I am only interested in that for Jonna/Hannu or Joona/Hannu, though I'm okay with references to sex in the other pairings.

☆ Jonna Kuikka/Riikka Skärsholm: I love these two as a fluff pairing! Mostly I would love to see quiet, sweet moments together - autumn walks, or dancing together, or sharing baked goods. How did they get together? What might their relationship be like when they're older? I like to imagine that some day, they'd run the Kuikka store together. :D

☆ Joona Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen OR Jonna Kuikka/Hannu Viitanen: My interests for either of the twins/Hannu are pretty much the same, so I grouped them together. ;) I love seeing Hannu get roughed up by either of them; shoving around, pinned against flat surfaces, hair-pulling, etc. But quiet moments between them are also nice; moments when they manage to say a lot with only a few words, or even just a touch, because they know each other so well.

☆ Kielo Miettinen/Swan of Tuonela: I ship this like burning, I must confess. They have so much physical contact in the comic, and they seem very sweet...! I'd love to see them meet again - not necessarily in Tuonela; perhaps the Swan comes to visit Kielo earlier, because she misses her and is somehow able to make time for it. I'm okay with Swan appearing as a bird, like she does in the comic, but it's also okay if you want her to appear as a human too (what do you think human!Swan would look like?). If portraying a relationship with intimate contact, human!Swan is preferred, thanks!

#3. SSSS Requests: Friendship & Family

Requested medium: Fanfic or Fanart
Requested tags: Michael Madsen (Twin) & Mikkel Madsen, Aksel Eide & Berit Eide, Trond Andersen & Ása Harðardóttir, Sigrun Eide & Mikkel Madsen

☆ Michael Madsen (Twin) & Mikkel Madsen: We know so little about Mikkel and his twin brother. I'd love to explore their relationship! Michael sees like a very jovial sort, if the drawing of him is any indication. Do they get along? Were they mischief-makers when they were younger - or perhaps they still are? Do they try to out-snark one another? Alternately, I'd also enjoy seeing more quiet moments between them - working together, either on the farm or in another context (were they together at Kastrup?).

☆ Aksel Eide & Berit Eide: Aksel's love and dedication toward his grandmother is wonderful (even though she seems to be better at taking care of herself than he thinks she is). I'd love to see how they get on during the early years of the Rash. Does she help him handle it? Teach him valuable skills? Ease his fears as everything falls apart around them? Badass!Berit is always appreciated. 8) Also, for one specific, I've always loved the idea of her teaching him how to knit, it just seems like something she might do.

☆ Trond Andersen & Ása Harðardóttir: What the heck is up with these two? Their brief phone conversation REALLY intrigued me. How do they know each other? Did they work together at some point (is Ása ex-military, perhaps)? What exactly did Trond use as blackmail? Perhaps they were close friends at some point, and something happened to leave them not in each other's good graces. ...Or maybe they're still good friends, in the way that two grumpy old people might be friends. ;) To be honest, I'd love to see them arguing; these two are hilarious.

☆ Sigrun Eide & Mikkel Madsen: I love moments when these two have lighthearted banter. They're just so funny. I also like that they both know something of the outside world, even if Mikkel doesn't have any of Sigrun's combat experience. I'd love to see them sassing each other, or exchanging stories of their military careers during a quiet moment; perhaps while Mikkel is tending to Sigrun's injury.

#4. SSSS Requests: Romantic Relationships

Requested medium: Fanfic or Fanart
Requested tags: Michael Madsen (Prologue)/Signe Sørensen, General Eide (Mrs.)/General Eide (Mr.), Trond Andersen/Ása Harðardóttir, Mikkel Madsen/Onni Hotakainen
Other details: I love G-rated romance, but I'm also okay with most other ratings, and with reference to sex. If you want to go the 18+ route, I'd only be interested in that for Michael/Signe or General Eide/General Eide. :)

☆ Michael Madsen (Prologue)/Signe Sørensen: These two are my favourite prologue pairing. I could read a million iterations of them falling in love, and never get bored of it. :D I'd love to see the development of their relationship during the apocalypse, from acquaintances to friends to lovers. Alternately, quiet moments together after their relationship is established - reading together, or doing farmwork together, or dancing together. What would their wedding have been like?

☆ General Eide (Mrs.)/General Eide (Mr.): I'd love to see these two as a battle couple! Falling in love while killing monsters, watching each other's back while on troll hunts, "thank the gods we're alive" moments, that kind of thing. I bet they're definitely a duo to be reckoned with. :) Alternately, a quiet moment after the battle, when they're winding down, perhaps tending to one another's injuries, or just relaxing in the relief that everything turned out fine. I don't have first-name preferences for either of them We have names for them now! (Check out the family tree) So please use their canon names: Solveig and Asbjørn.

☆ Trond Andersen/Ása Harðardóttir: Similar to what I imagine for the friendship version of them, but with an extra something. If they were in a relationship at one point, what was that like? Are they on-again, off-again lovers? Perhaps they had a wild fling in their youth that didn't quite turn out the way they expected it to?

☆ Mikkel Madsen/Onni Hotakainen: Their interactions through the radio are so funny, and it made me wonder how they might be as a couple. xD They're so different, in many ways, and it makes for a cool contrast. Mikkel's humour vs Onni's seriousness, their opposing view of the world re: magic and spirits, their differences in life experiences... Plus, I think they look good together - not to mention Mikkel seems like he'd give great hugs, and boy does Onni ever need one. I'd be equally okay with seeing how the relationship would develop (how would that happen? When they meet? Much later?) or after the relationship is already established.

#5: SSSS Requests: Worldbuilding

Requested medium: Fanfic or Fanart
Requested tags: Ása Harðardóttir, Original Year 90 Sailor, Sea Beasts, Eurovision in Year 90, Expedition to an IKEA store, Original Saami Character, Taru Hollola & Original Saami Character, Trond Andersen & Original Saami Character, Saami People in Year 90
Other details: For some of these prompts, I've grouped several related tags together, because it made sense to have them together. You can mix and match between these requests, or choose to only focus on one element of one tag. You can also mix any of these into the relationship requests above if you want to. And for most of these, I'd be equally interested in the use of canon characters or original characters to build up the SSSS world. It's up to you.

☆ Ása Harðardóttir AND/OR Original Year 90 Sailor AND/OR Sea Beasts: I'd love to explore seafaring in Year 90 - with Ása specifically, or with a character of your own creation. :D Even in our modern world, the ocean can be a scary place - what kinds of strange and terrifying adventures and bizarre monsters might seafaring folk encounter on these Rash-infested waters?

☆ Eurovision in Year 90: Let's say the Eurovision Song Contest still exists in Y90. How would it exist? Would the competition circulate, or would it only be held in Iceland? Would it be broadcast via radio, or would only those who are local to the contest be able to see it? What kinds of acts would be sent? Would the tradition of glitter and ridiculousness continue? Feel free to interpret this in a silly way, or play it straight. :D

☆ Expedition to an IKEA store: The Crew investigates a derelict IKEA store in order to discover valuable information about how Old World people lived, and hilarity (or disaster) ensues? Or perhaps IKEA lives on in the known world, in a much smaller form of its former self? Interpret this worldbuilding request as crackily or as serious as you please. ;p

☆ Original Saami Character OR Taru Hollola & Original Saami Character OR Trond Andersen & Original Saami Character OR Saami People in Year 90: I'm definitely interested in seeing what life would be like for Saami people in the Known World of Year 90. I like to think that there would be small pockets in remote settlements with populations of Saami people. This especially goes for known-world Norway, where part of the settled area overlaps with present-day Sapmi, though I like to think that there would be some Saami people in Finland and even Sweden as well. What might these people be like? How would the magic of Saami mages differ from Icelandic/Finnish mages? Would they be incorporated into the country's military in a standard way, or would they have their own special divisions/differentiations in areas where the populations exist? You could explore this through original characters only, or by having Taru or Trond meet/work with Saami people during the course of their military careers, or something else - it's up to you. :)
(*If you've opted to do fanart, and you're stuck for ideas, you could draw Niko, my Saami OC in his dreamworld outfit? But please don't feel obligated for this one, I consider it the extra-special 'hard mode'. xD)

This entry was originally posted at You can comment here or at the original entry.

silentnightex, exchange letters, a redtail's dream, stand still stay silent

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