Horror in general, Phenomena (1985) in particular

Sep 25, 2016 19:52

I've discovered that my library gives me Hoopla access, which includes film streaming. Excellent. What this means: all the trashy horror films my creepy little heart could ever desire, right at my fingertips. Pfff. I love living in the future. <3

Some people get awfully confused by the sheer amount of bad horror movies I watch. Well, it's simple, really - I usually knit while I'm watching movies, and if the film is actually good, then I'm not about to do that; I'll want to give it my full attention instead, which isn't conductive to getting anything done. But trashy horror films work just right. If it's hilariously terrible or aggressively mediocre, then I don't really need to pay much attention, especially since I've seen this kind of thing a million times. (Like the one I watched this weekend - Gacey House 2016 - man, was that ever a stinker. I'm not exactly a huge fan of the found footage subgenre, but that one was just bad.)

Sometimes, the stuff that I expect will be terrible seems to have a grain of a good idea in it. Phenomena (1985) is one of these. The core idea is pretty cool: A girl who loves insects, and in fact is able to control them, uses her power to track down a serial killer. Actually, the film manages to actually be pretty good, if a little weird, until... oh, maybe the last 40 minutes of it, when it goes from "odd but cool" to "what the hell were the writers smoking?" It's like it went from neat to crack in a blink. What the hell. It gives me the same kind of feeling that the original version of Poltergeist did - that was another one that was pretty good, until it turned around and became totally cracktastic in the final half hour.

I will say, though - if you like bugs, this movie is one to check out. I'm not a fan of them myself, but it's kind of nice to come across a film where they're shown to be useful and helpful, rather than something we're supposed to be scared of. And girls who like insects aren't exactly a dime a dozen when it comes to media of any kind.

...Anyway. This weekend has been kind of tiresome. But after doing a lot of cleaning, and then relaxing a little, I feel pretty okay. It's great. <3

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