(no subject)

Sep 07, 2016 18:15

☆ Having ONE OF THOSE DAYS caught between too many thoughts and exhaustion. Lovely. :V

☆ I have not been able to play PokeGo in over a week because SOMEBODY is using the extra phone... grumble, grumble. I shouldn't be complaining, after all, it's borrowed, but arrrgh. /shakesfist Trying to motivate myself for nightly walks without that initiative just... isn't the same.

☆ Speaking of Pokemon, though, the more I hear about Sun & Moon, the more pumped I'm getting for it. It just sounds so cool, and I can hardly wait to play it. Haven't preordered it yet, though, because I can't decide which version I want, and I kind of... want both of them. Which probably isn't a bright idea, but, y'know. Ah well, I'll set the money aside and then we'll see. Really should finish playing X first too. I never did complete it. In fact, I haven't picked up my 3DS in months. Terrible.

☆ Can't think of anything else to say, so here's a WIP list. I should probably try to get some words slapped down on some of these tomorrow, or maybe the next day. Haven't been writing as much as I should. And then there are also a ton of tiny little docs where I have maybe three sentences down, and not much else; in some cases, it's easy to tell where I was going with it, but in others I just... have no idea what I was doing there. But I really should form those sketches into actual fic eventually.

-FemslashEx treat #1 (might end up long)
-PokeGo Candela/Blanche - starting a relationship
-aRTD Jonna/Hannu - PWP
-aRTD gen - Ghost hunting
-Tarja the Boat-builder (SSSS OC) - Long poem
-Suvi/Vesa (SSSS OCs) - Snapshots of a relationship

The Suvi/Vesa fic in particular has been reaaally on my mind lately. It isn't the story I want to write with them, but until I decide what I do want to write, I'm going to keep putting together these little moments for them. It'll help me get a hang of their voices, at least.

I just - they're the kind of relationship that shouldn't work, but it does. Everyone thinks it won't work. But it does. They balance out in a way that wouldn't be obvious to anyone else, except maybe the few people who know them both very well. (Niko would understand, I think. He and Vesa are... close. That is one relationship that didn't work out, but it's better that way.) Suvi accepts Vesa as he is, and is the foundation he never had, and Vesa, well - he has all of this overflowing love; he just needed to find the right person for it.

Aaand I just love the thought of them as a battle couple. I swear, I'm going to write them killing trolls together at some point. Hopefully multiple points - both because I need to get better at writing action, aaand because these two push a ton of buttons for me. (Also I must say I get incredibly amused by the mental image of Suvi helping Vesa wash troll blood out of his hair. I dunno. He has a lot of hair. Dude would look like a total hot mess after battle. Don't look at me.)

Ffffsdkkk if I can ever manage to nail down their appearances, maybe I'll get somebody else to draw them for me, because I love these two so much. ;~;

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3500712.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

oc nonsense, writing, pokemon sun & moon, gaming, life

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