Blah blah blah

Sep 04, 2016 21:51

Fffu. I'm working on an exchange letter for Trick or Treat right now, and man, it's so hard to put these things together. The problem is, I like so many things! All the things! Well, maybe not all the things, but most things. So, it's really hard to narrow it down and form some coherent requests. It's one of the reasons that I prefer treating, really. OH WELL... I've finished requests for 3 out of 5 fandoms I could potentially ask for, so technically I could call it done if I wanted to. ;V

Today was nice and sunny. I wish I'd spent more time out walking, but I was starting to feel unwell, so I had to return home earlier than expected. It would have been nice to sit on the bench out in front of the pond and knit for a while... oh, well. Maybe tomorrow? If I feel better. These stomach problems are a typical thing, and I know how to deal with them, but they sure are inconvenient. ;V

Didn't get as much writing done as I'd wanted to. Was aiming for 2k, but only managed 1k. My ultimate goal is to write 100k in total this year, but in order to reach that, I'm going to have to write 8.5k per month until the end of the year. Upside is, today I finished a poem, and got some significant work done on a treat for Femslash Exchange. Hah! Signups aren't even closed yet. 8) Bless people who put their letters up promptly, says I. Though this story might end up long and challenging - hopefully I'll be able to finish it within the deadline.

Also managed to get a decent amount of work done on something else, and... man. It's one of those fics, you know, the kind where I feel a little uneasy about writing it because I just know that I'm exposing too much. Letting the id all hang out, so to speak. [/drags a hand down face] WELL THEN. I'll just write it anyway - it's not like I've ever let that stop me. I mean, it's not like I'll be posting it beyond my archive anyway. But. Yeahhhh, I dunno. Whatever. ;V

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trickortreatex, writing, life

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