
Jun 12, 2016 23:15

I have done nothing this weekend but knit, read fanfiction, chat with people in fanart streams, and watch terrible B-rate horror films.

Which ain't half bad, to be honest. ;p After all, what else can one do when it's raining cats and dogs, and hardly any stores are open? At this rate, it won't be long before I'm finished with the project I'm working on.

Not to mention, I also went ploughing though a lot of those ridiculous old public domain movies that I downloaded on the assumption that I wouldn't have internet in Fort Mac, heh. Well, okay, not all of them were bad. The silent 1925 version of The Phantom of the Opera was one of the ones I watched, and it's a classic for a reason. A++ would watch again, and now I want to re-read the novel. Aside from that, I also was kind of charmed by The Screaming Skull (1959), which was cheesy, but... there's something about it that I just liked. Maybe it's a case of "Good idea, not-so-great execution" - wouldn't be surprising, considering it's based on a story (which I should try to chase down) which was in turn inspired by a bit of English folklore. And some of the characters, well, I managed to get attached to them, B-movie or not. I normally don't say this, but I wonder if it's the sort of film that would benefit from a remake. With better special effects, it could be really scary. Though, you would need good acting and the right atmosphere to go along with it, too, and remakes don't often get that; they usually miss the mark in significant ways.

Hmm, what else. ...Oh, yes, and there has also been football. Or soccer. Or whatever one wants to call it. Caught the Germany-Ukraine match today; that goal by Schweinsteiger toward the end was sweet. Even if, I confess, I'd been kind of hoping that Ukraine would score toward the end instead. I suppose I'll just have to be satisfied with the fact that Germany didn't completely mop the floor with them.

Though I should work on some writing. I have a lot of ideas, and a lot of WIPs, but I have hardly written anything recently. (Well, lies and slander, I did finish something yesterday, but - it was dorky. It doesn't count.) Aaaand I should also work on my letter for
rarepairfest. I'm really excited about this exchange, because it looks like there will be interest in things that I can write for, but coming up with good requests is always hard.

Catching up on my FList is also something that I should be doing, but er, that can wait until a time when it isn't 11:30 PM. ;V

Under the cut are some due-dates as a note to self.

17 June: Rarepairfest signups open
23 June: Everywoman assignments due
30 June: Everywoman story reveals
17 July: Nordipalooza posting closes
31 July: M/M rares assignments due
07 August: M/M rares story reveals
13 August: Rarepairfest assignments due

^Rarepairfest is the only one of these that I'm actually going to be signing up for. Buuut I want to participate in M/M rares and Everywoman on the treating side. I think I can manage that, if I kick my own ass into gear first.

I couldn't run Nordipalooza this year because of the evacuation - thankfully my co-mod
gelaecter stepped up to the plate (thank you!) - so I don't have to read/comment on everything like I usually would, but I'm going to try.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3485045.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

to-do, writing, football, life, rarepair fest, movies

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