
May 29, 2016 19:44

☆ Wrestled with EI details today. The good: I managed to get almost everything taken care of, hooray! The bad: Because I received some pay from my previous employer after the date that I applied for EI, I'm going to need to call them and sort things out. (I applied on X date, but my final paycheque didn't go through until a few days later.) It should be pretty easy to set this all straight, but uh, I hate having to call about these things, and wait on hold, and blah blah blah. But as long as I write out a script beforehand, it'll be fine. orz

☆ Shaeiira fiiiinally was able to open the package of the SSSS book that I sent her aaages ago. <3 Seeing her reaction made me so happy. Totally worth it. Though, good lord, was it ever a long wait for that package to get to her, pf. Once everything returns to normal, and postal service is restored, I'll be doing another giveaway - this time it'll be for a necklace like the one in aRTD. But that'll be a while yet, maybe in July.

☆ Only a few days before we go back home. x_x This will be... interesting. On the one hand, I want to be back home. On the other hand, the city is going to be a mess, and I don't know if I want to drive through that again. Ugh. Well, there's nothing to be done about that.

☆ SPEAKING OF INTERNET, I don't know if I'll have internet in Fort McMurray, because our internet provider doesn't have detailed information about which areas have restored service and which are still waiting for it. Soooo I might disappear for a while. ;p Upside: I have downloaded sooo many public domain horror movies, I'll have no problem keeping myself occupied when I do have free time. Films + knitting, yay!

☆ Depending on how re-entry goes, and what ends up happening with work, I might possibly end up travelling somewhere in August - either to Calgary or Victoria, not sure which. BUT that is very fuzzy not-sure stuff yet; it's just an idea that's on the table. Maybe. If things go smoothly.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3483261.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

travel, friends, fort mcmurray fire 2016, life

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