Bits and Bites

Apr 03, 2016 19:51

☆ Realization: Wow, I had no idea ginger beer had so much kick. My eyes are waaaatering and I feel kind of ridiculous, haha.

☆ So, I joined Camp NaNo. I'm together in a cabin with a few folks from
ssss. So far, better than expected - I set myself the entirely reasonable goal of 4k and kind of... blew through over half of that in three days. Um. I think I'm going to have to aim a little higher. ;p Though not too high, as I don't expect I'll have much luck finding time to write during the work week, not with the situation being as busy as it is. Still! Very productive weekend. I'm happy. I managed to make a lot of headway on some exchange treats, and completed a giftfic that I've had on the table for a while, so. All good things.

☆ aRTD: Shippy Joona/Hannu fanart now exists and I am utterly delighted. I was so overwhelmed with joy, I ended up writing commentfic, haha (both the art + my scribbles are over here). ...That was actually my request, and I completely forgot that I made it. I'm so glad that the artist didn't forget, though. :') MAN I never expected to end up shipping this so hard, buuuuut I totally do. Then again, I love "childhood friends get together" pairings, especially if one of the people involved is kind of prickly.

☆ It snowed this morning. I am not happy about it. Fortunately, it's been pretty warm and sunny lately, so I don't anticipate it'll stick around long, but... still. Ugh, snow!

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writing, nanowrimo, a redtail's dream, life

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