Five things make a post

Mar 23, 2016 21:51

✿ I keep forgetting that Easter is this weekend. I'm reminded, and then I forget. ...Well, I'm not one to object to stat pay. And my own spring holiday fell on a weekend this year, so it's all good.

✿ Not going to make a Reading Wednesday post today, because I am le tired, so have the condensed version: it turns out that I have indeed read Eden Robinson's Blood Sports before, but I forgot most of it until toward the end. It isn't, I think, entirely to my taste, this novel. But her writing is decent and she does some neat things with format, so I'll check out what else the library has of her. Also, just started Thomas King's Truth and Bright Water today, and while I'm barely into it so far, it's pretty good. I enjoyed his other works a lot, so I expect this'll be great too. (I HIGHLY recommend checking out Green Grass, Running Water and also his short story collection One Good Story, That One, they're both amazing.)

✿ On the subject of Thomas King, Truth and Bright Water is written in present tense with first person POV. That made me remember all those wanks I've seen about the use of that in fanfic... So many people act as if it's the mark of a bad writer, and I just can't help but roll my eyes.

✿ Trying to cut down on coffee is turning out to be insanely difficult, because I genuinely like coffee. Even just replacing it with tea is a cup full of disappointment. Oh well, going to have to keep trying with this, because caffeine addiction sucks and it would be nice to be able to go past 10 AM without having coffee and not risk an awful headache....

✿ I'd thought I was through this particularly bad patch of depression, but I'm not. This sucks. I'm not even sad, it's just that the very state of existence is exhausting and I can just barely muster up enough give-a-damn to be annoyed about that.

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mental health, reading, life

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