
Mar 21, 2016 18:22

✻ I've decided to start playing my harmonica again. Haven't picked up the thing in ages, because it's hard to play it here; it's hard to find somewhere where people won't hear me and tell me to cut out that racket. But... the weather is getting warmer. And if I do it in the garage, then maybe. It's only now that I actually considered this. Or maybe I thought about it a while back, but never acted on it. I should. Not sure what I'll do for tabs, though. My mobile isn't exactly easy to read from. Could always print them off, though, I guess. Really, what I really want is to get good enough to memorize a few songs and play them smoothly enough that it doesn't sound terrible. (Might as well start small, right?) UGH I'm so damn rusty, though. This is gonna' be painful.

✻ I have about a million and one knitting-related complaints right now, but the main one currently is: it is practically impossible to get knitting supplies in this town, and it makes me so cranky. At least, it's impossible to get the stuff that I like. Bamboo/wooden needles? Nah. And even in aluminum, they never have the size that I need. And let's not get started on yarn... grrrr. Needless to say, I might need to switch my latest projects to either circs or straights instead of DPNs (I just need longer needles, and either would do, I think) and the... result was ordering online even when I really prefer not to. Especially because (predictably) I ended up buying some yarn, sight-unseen and untouched. It's some self-striping fingering weight stuff and - it was on sale, okay, and there are some projects I want to try with it, don't look at me like that!

✻ Due to the fact that Friday is a stat holiday, I'm working slightly different hours than originally scheduled. On the one hand, it's nice that I'm getting a slightly reduced-week. On the other... ugh, I'm not looking forward to playing catch-up. Hopefully that won't happen. Man, this month is just flying by, what on earth is going on?! (...I say that every month, don't I?)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3473424.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

knitting, harmonica, life

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