Pointless nonsense

Mar 19, 2016 11:50

Argh, argh, argh. I slept in way too late today, and now getting up and moving is... difficult.

Okay, self, you can do this. You're awake! You've already had two cups of coffee! You can do this.

Why are weekends such a pain in the ass?

On a not-very-related note, I've resolved to... try to get to bed earlier. Staying up too late has become a real problem for me recently, so I'm going to try to snuff it out, especially since I rarely end up doing anything interesting or useful late at night anyway. Hopefully, it'll help with all of these downer moods I've been having lately. And if not, well, I'll be less of a zombie in the morning. Win-win all around.

I probably won't complete all of this today, but eh, if I don't have lists I tend to forget what's going on and just end up staring into space for like, hours.

-Dust, too, preferably
-Install those new ink cartridges, like you've been meaning to do all week
-LAUNDRY Done, or mostly done.
-Generic tidying-up goes here
-Type up that finished fic

Stuff to do if the above get finished:
-Work on writing something. Anything. Preferably for the kiss challenge or for that exchange. (Started the exchange fic 8D )
-Reply to Mélu's letter
-Watch As Above, So Below Done!
-Knitting (while watching the above) Did some, want to do some more
-Finish reading Blood Sports (so it can be returned to the library tomorrow)
-Aaaandd some running too, why not.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3472667.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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