What even

Mar 06, 2016 17:18

☆ Today just did noooot work out the way I wanted. Headed downtown, like I usually would. Planned to get lunch at this one nice cafe near the transit station, buuut it was closed. Bummer. Headed to the library to pick up some new books, but the power went out while I was browsing, and everyone was booted out of the building, which means I didn't get my books after all. And... it also means that writing club Did Not Happen. щ(◉Д◉щ) Well, damn.

☆ Buuuut even though nothing really went right, I ain't even mad. It wasn't a bad day. The weather was nice, I ended up going to Starbucks after the library nonsense and managed to write some fic anyway, aaand I just feel pretty good in general, so - no harm done. But geeze, what a waste of time.

☆ An upside: During what little time I was able to browse in the library, I finally found out where the Native literature section is, and ahhhh it's a lot bigger than I thought it would be! *_* AND (and and and!) there's a new volume of poetry by Gregory Scofield! AHH! It's been a while since I last mentioned his work, but he's a Metis/Cree poet whose work I really, really like. (And he's gay, too - wtf, how did I forget that? I've read his memoir, and the subject comes up in his poetry sometimes too, one would think I'd remember that... mind like a sieve, I have one.) Anyway, his work is really good, so I was super excited to see that there is a volume out that I wasn't aware of. AND also there were a bunch of Thomas King books that I had been meaning to read... and tons of other authors that I had never even heard of. SO hopefully next week will be free of power outages (?!) so that I can grab some of these awesome books and stick my nose in them. Yes.

☆ I finished another SSSS fic; some Emil/Lalli h/c fluff (Salve). Which means I've already finished the "finish something that isn't for an exchange" not-challenge challenge. But I'm going to try to write others before this round is done on May 01. Maybe something along similar lines to this one - by that I just mean "h/c in which Emil is the one getting hurt". Because man, do I ever love that kind of thing, and this fandom needs more of that. Must confess, he's my favourite punching bag. Or at least my favourite whump-target for this fandom. :D Though I eventually plan to play around with some of the others too - or at least, well. Okay, I'll say it plain, I want to write Sigrun whump. ;V BUT first I need to think of a good plot, and that will have to wait until after some of the stuff with due dates is finished.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3470349.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, reading, lgbt2qa, life, stand still stay silent

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