Stuff and things

Feb 19, 2016 22:56

☆ It's supposed to be cold this weekend. Balls.

☆ Happiness: My hardcopy of The Seventh Bride shipped. I ordered it aaaages ago, but it was out of stock forever. I guess Amazon's finally done a second printing of it. True enough, I could have read the ebook version I bought ages ago, but... I hear that the revised version has some additions to it, so I'm glad to have it. Plus, y'know. Another print book for my Ursula Vernon collection.

☆ Finished drafting an aRTD genfic. I'm pretty happy with it. But part of me wants to make it... not a genfic... щ(◉Д◉щ) Pfff I'll probably just write a separate extra scene and shove it up on the writing journal as "this thing that didn't happen in the story but what if it DID" (because whatever, whatever, I do what I want). Even without the extra, it's still the most self-indulgent thing I've written in a while, so I'm feeling kind of self-conscious about it at the moment, but I'm sure I'll get over it soon. (Probably.)

☆ Still feeling kind of sort of maybe sick. I don't know. I wish my body would decide whether it's going to be sick or not. This is ridiculous. Note to self: wander over to the supermarket tomorrow and pick up some cough drops. YOU NEED IT.

☆ There are so many things I want to do this weekend and I probably won't do ANY of them, except writing, maybe, I guess. And not even that, if my body decides to go the sick route, as that usually means "spend the entire day in bed, blowing my nose and feeling like a slug".

☆ Thinking about going to see Deadpool. It looks so ridiculous. :D But this weekend? Probably not. Maybe Friday.... Likelihood that I will be the only person in the cinema: very possible. What can I say, I like afternoon showings. Nice and quiet, and 's easy to take the bus home in the afternoon, as opposed to at night....

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writing, reading, life, movies

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