Have a steaming-hot cup of STFU

Feb 16, 2016 18:44

Christ on a cracker, people are driving me nuts.

I am tired and cranky and I really am not in the mood for conversation with real-life people. (Online people are okay, though.)

Like, I just do not want to engage in this inane pointless smalltalk, even less than usual that is, and I do not want to answer your inane pointless questions about what I'm doing and what my friends are up to and nosy bullshit about what I received in the mail (NONE OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS).

Just. Pllllleeeeeaaaase, leave me alone. thanks#

Essentially ever since I came home today, I've been stuck in a permanent state of COULD U NOT.

WHYYY do I have to live with such ANNOYING PEOPLE.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3465879.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.


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