
Feb 07, 2016 20:26

☆ Feeling a little bit better today. Hope this will continue. I don't know why this is, but painting my nails always improves my mood a little. Guess that maybe it might have to do with a feeling of putting oneself in order. And it's something calming to do for an hour or so. They're dark green right now. <3

☆ Just realized that starting the 12th I'll have a four-day weekend. Friday is off in accordance with my regular scheduling, and Monday will be off due to it being a provincial holiday. <3 Hooray! Hopefully I will actually make good use of that time, rather than wasting it. Writing-wise, maybe? I started something new yesterday, and I'm having a lot of fun with it so far, it'd be nice to slap down a lot of words on it. And... reading Chocolate Box exchange fics. That is, if I don't get to it on Sunday. *_* (I'm still completely overwhelmed with joy that there are two aRTD fics uploaded currently. Two!!)

☆ I'm allllmost finished going through the complete stories in the SSSS section of Ao3. Hooray! All that's left are a few odds and ends, and a handful of Secto's fics that I haven't managed to get to yet, and some AUs. It feels bloody strange to be in a fandom where it's actually possible to read everything. Feels good, though.

☆ Speaking of which, some random SSSS recs. Firstly, Firestarter by Sectoboss, AKA Emil gets his hands on a flamethrower and puts it to good use. It's the kind of action/horror stuff that this author does really well. Secondly, Confirmation by Poland; a very cute Emil/Lalli first kiss/figuring out feelings fic, with good Emil characterization. Aaaand thirdly, a gorgeous Sigrun&Tuuri fanart by Shaeiira. <3 Siiiiigh, I love her work so much.

☆ Reading 'Firestarter' made me wish that I could get better at writing action and horror, especially for this fandom. That's a genre combination that I LOVE, but writing it is like pulling teeth. I managed to give it a good try with one of my Yuletide fics, but... I don't know. Part of the difficulty is getting good ideas, I think. They don't come to me as easily as ideas for romance stories do. But maybe it could help if I used a prompt generator or something? Or asked people if they have ideas for mission-fic. And then the other problem is just the difficulty of writing an unfamiliar genre. That... I think the only way to get better at that will be to do it more. It's like anything else.

☆ Maybe it would get easier if I read more horror? Which brings up another thing, and that is - I wish it were filed in its own section at the bookstore/library. SF/F gets its own section, but horror just gets shoved in with general fiction, so it can be trickier to find. But, to be fair, I have only made a half-assed effort at looking. I haven't gone poking around for rec lists or anything. I do read a lot of stuff on /r/nosleep every so often, but that is of course amateur fiction and is... varying in quality. It's just that it's easy to find. So, it's really my own fault that I don't read more published horror even though it's a genre that I love. (I certainly watch plenty of it, but that isn't the same thing.)

☆ ...Anyway, if anybody has some favourite horror novels/stories/books etc that they want to throw at me, I'd love to hear it. Though, not Stephen King - but I'm pretty sure you cats know that I'm already a fan, anyway.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3463495.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, reading, life, stand still stay silent, recs

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