Little Things

Jan 31, 2016 21:34

☆ I discovered that I still had some of that pumpkin-cinnamon-cocoa tea that I can't recall the name of. It was tucked in the back of the cupboard. Just enough left for one cup. What a pleasant surprise. <3

☆ Wrote a letter for a friend today. Sometimes it's just nice to send snail mail. Though admittedly it works best with people that I don't talk to every day. Going to have to remember to throw that in the postbox tomorrow....

☆ It was COLD this afternoon, and slippery as hell. Heading down to the library for writing club was Not Fun. But fortunately, on the way back, S took pity on me and drove me home, since she was heading up my way anyway. I could have managed it, but... it's nice not to have to.

☆ Speaking of writing club, I wrote 14.8k this month. :D Hooray! And a lot of it is due to this thing that I've been going to. How wonderful. ...Totally going to have to finish some of that in February, though. I have maybe 6 or so things that are basically drafted out, just need revision. So, let's see if I can kick them out of my WIP folder, shall we? :D

☆ Where did January go? How is it February?! This year is already moving too fast. I want a pause button, please.

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writing club, writing, life

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