
Jan 28, 2016 23:19

☆ I am plotting like a plotty thing. Such scheming. Very cahoots. Wow.

☆ Rain? In January? It's more likely than you think. I'm so, so grateful that I don't need to go in to work tomorrow, because I suspect the roads will be an absolute skating rink.

☆ I FEEL UNWELL. AND CRANKY. Good thing I'm home tomorrow, can probably do something about this... (I expect all it will take is a nice, long run.)

☆ ...January is almost over, how did this happen?

☆ Note to self: Finish typing up that Chocobox draft, you hoser. You've been ignoring it for a week.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3460787.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, weather, life

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