
Jan 03, 2016 22:11

☆ New tea. It's minty and lemon-y. Nice. I've been on the lookout for something David's Tea had a while ago, can't remember what the name was, but was green with mint and lemongrass. This is... not quite it... but it's not bad. I will have to keep looking, though. (Argh, why are all the best teas seasonal, why!)

☆ I saw The Force Awakens with my father on New Year's Eve. That was nice. I have a lot of thoughts on it, but I'm not really prepared to throw them at you all just yet. Still digesting things, y'know. Though on a shallow note, I must admit, I never found myself attracted to Han Solo in the earlier films, but in this one... Yowza.

☆ Writing club today. It was nice to see everyone after being away for a while, even if the break was pretty brief. I finished a draft, and started on a self-indulgent thing. We'll see how this goes. I'm not looking forward to typing up and editing that draft, but I told Daéa that I'd try to have it done by February 14th, so... we'll see.

☆ Speaking of writing, I downloaded a wordtracker spreadsheet. I... don't know if I'm going to keep track of my wordcount, especially since I don't think I'll write every day (but then again, who knows). It's a fun tool to fiddle with, though. I've set the year goal at 50k words, which gives a nice 140-word-per-day minimum. That's doable.

☆ I am having so much trouble getting through the Jo Nesbø novel I'm reading. Police has been on my to-read list for a while, and I've been picking away at it for weeks, but I just... ugh. A lot of my complaints are kind of spoilery, so I'll save that until a weekly reading entry maybe, but needless to say, I'm not having fun with this one, even if it does have Katrine in it.

☆ Speaking of reading... I finally have a library card! And I checked books out with it! Wow. I've been kind of meaning to do this ever since I started spending more time at the library, but it's only now that I got over the jitters in order to actually get a card and check things out. (Don't ask me why. Brains are weird.) So far I have Beauty is a Wound by Eka Kurniawan, and The Man Who Spoke Snakish by Andrus Kiviräk. Anybody on my flist read either of these? I'm looking forward to them. ...Guess this means I'll have to bang my head through the last 100 pages of Police before I get to it. (I hate reading two books at the same time, unless one is fiction and the other is nonfiction, that kind of thing.)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3453835.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing club, writing, reading, life, star wars, movies

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