
Dec 14, 2015 22:02

☆ I. AM. TIRED. ... Which means hopefully going to bed early, but we will see.

☆ Work was a clusterfuck today. Things that I did not need: coming in at ridiculous-in-the-morning only to find that our internet was knocked out during the weekend and that we all need to go into town to work. I hate working from the town office. :T And the day just draaaaags....

☆ The USD-CAD exchange rate hurts my soul.

☆ ...I kind of feel bad for buying a book for myself this close to Christmas, but, Rabbit mentioned that the book of traditional Finnish spells that I'd been drooling over happens to have an English translation published and I... just... had to have it. Apparently these days I am weak to Finnish folklore. Blame SSSS, honestly.

☆ The box that Mélusine sent me arrived today!! HOORAY! But I'm not going to open it until she receives the one I sent her. At least, I think. I don't actually know when she will get it. Canada Post was kind of iffy on the matter. [/shakesfish] WELL if she says I can open it... maybe I'll open it. Or maybe I'll wait until Christmas. It isn't that far away. Actually - holy shit, it's next week. Where did December go?!

☆ Flip-flopping on whether I should post my Ex Machina poetry to Ao3 (can't remember if I posted about this before, hm). There is one left to revise, so that's three total after it's done, and it could all go into one post as chapters. On the one hand: Tiny fandom, and people might be happy that there's just, like, anything at all. On the other hand: MAN, some people in fandom are downright nasty about fanpoetry even existing at all, and I have a delicate heart, u kno. ...Ugh, maybe I should just keep it to my DW archive.

☆ Language futzing. Trying to think of how to arrange it so that I can try French without losing track of Norwegian. Possibly working on it on alternating days - Norwegian on Monday and Wednesday, French on Tuesday and Thursday, and then on the other days whichever I feel like, something like that... but speaking practically, I can't imagine having the stamina to keep that up for more than a month. :T ...Hmmm. Need to think about this a bit more.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3448956.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, work, friends, reading, languages: general, life

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