
Nov 30, 2015 20:50

☆ Aaaaand November is over! That's a wrap! Wow, this month went by fast. I'm surprised and amazed. Where did the year go?!

☆ Speaking of which, that means NaNoWriMo is over. I managed to write more than I ever expected - I had been aiming for around 10k, but I doubled that and reached 20k! Wonderful! It helps that I had a lot of exchange fics to work on, and the write-ins definitely helped too. But the habit of writing every day, even if it was only 100 words, was... effective. I think I'm going to ease up on that a little now, and focus on editing more than output, because I really want to get some of these drafts finished. (Though I managed to finish several already!)

☆ Good news: the local NaNo group has decided that the write-ins will continue. Which means... I suddenly have a social life. I. What? How did this happen? I'm really happy about it, but it's surprising. Regardless, I now have something to do every Sunday afternoon. Sounds good! Plus, we're moving the time slot up a little earlier, which means I'll have plenty of time to catch the bus after it's over - so I won't have to leave early, like I did a couple of times. ... I don't expect that I'll form any long-lasting friendships from this. But it's nice to have something to do every weekend. Plus, think of all the writing I'll get done!

☆ I'm all finished up with the gift I was writing for the SSSSForum's secret santa, so now I can plunge headfirst into editing all those Yuletide drafts. I have one with pending revisions thanks to Qichi (seriously, pal, I really appreciate it, there are a lot of things there that I would not have seen on my own) and then... it's a matter of editing the others. One will be tricky, because it's longer than what I usually write, and it has a lot of action. Pfuh. AND I started writing a fourth one on Saturday, so hopefully I'll be able to get that done. It's challenging in an entirely different way - diary format, which I don't normally write, and from a completely nonhuman point of view. Fun! But also difficult! We'll see how this turns out.

☆ Like I've mentioned before, I'm not signing up for
fandom_stocking this year, because I found last year a tad stressful for some reason. (I dunno'. Brains are weird.) But it looks like they're going ahead with it this year, so if any of you cool cats on my flist are going to participate, you should totally mention it in your journals so that I can keep an eye on it and see if I can fill some treats for you. <3

☆ Today has been very... up and down. In a lot of ways. I don't know why, but lately I'm finding it hard not to get irritable at people for the tiniest little things. Kind of frustrating; I don't like myself when I'm like this. Hopefully I'll figure out what's wrong with my mood and fix it, somehow. (A run might help....)

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3445117.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

writing, nanowrimo, fandom_stocking, yuletide, life

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