
Nov 19, 2015 20:02

☆ Fffffuh. I have way too many WIPS, and way too many deadlines coming up, so I'll just take a moment to list those out, so I won't forget.

✧ Nov 24th: Send Advent Calendar fic to the proofreader by this date. Done
✧ Nov 28th: SSSS Advent Calendar due date Complete, submitted.
✧ Dec 05th: Send swap gift to Mélusine by this date
✧ Dec 10th: Workplace Secret Santa (sigh)
✧ Dec 19th: SSSS Secret Santa fic due Complete, Submitted.
✧ Dec 20th: Yuletide Assignment due Complete, submitted.
✧ Dec 20th: Yuletide Treats due (well, I will post by this date)
-Treat #1: Complete, sent to proofreader.
-Treat #2: Drafted, needs editing.
-Treat #3: Drafted, needs to be typed.
-Treat #4: Started.
✧ Late Dec: Chocolate Box Exchange nominations etc - undecided if I want to do this exchange
✧ Early Jan: Finish That Fic for That Person, you know who it is
✧ Early Jan: due date for SSSSForum's gift for Minna Sundberg's birthday (which is Jan 09), actual due date for project currently undetermined

... and I want to try to fit some gifts for my friends in there, too, but uh, that might be too ambitious. We'll see.

☆ Went poking around for Kalevala fic, ended up re-reading All the Old Knives and... yyyeahh, I still ship Aino/Kyllikki, oops.

☆ Self, go buy yourself some new winter boots. If you don't do it before more snow falls, you'll regret it. The ones you have are literally falling apart. ... Should also see about buying full-spectrum bulbs. I think I need that.

☆ Feel very tired lately, and I don't know if it's the lack of light or what, but uh.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3443094.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, writing, life

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