☆ Today started off TERRIBLY, and I was EXHAUSTED, but then talking to a good friend made everything better. It also ate up a ton of time and I feel like I didn't do anything I was going to do today, oops. Including... talking to other people... oops.
☆ I was going to go for a run today but I wrote poetry with gratuitous Kalevala references instead. Oops again.
☆ Speaking of the Kalevala, I finished reading it! I have a lot of thoughts on it! ... I need to be in bed in 15 minutes. Fuck it, I'll do my "weekly reading" post tomorrow. I NEED SLEEP.
☆ Yuletide assignment is officially done and posted and I will not be doing further edits on it. Woohoo! Now to concentrate on revising treats, working on stuff for SSSSForum celebrations, and gettin' cracking on a particular giftfic.
☆ Today should go down in SSSS fandom history as "the day Minna Sundberg gave her fandom an enormous dose of mood whiplash". I don't know whether to jump for joy over the
adorable Emil&Lalli art she posted, or flip my shit over
page 422. I'm so overwhelmed, I feel like I'm going to explode.
This entry was originally posted at
http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3442475.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.