Stuff and things

Oct 22, 2015 20:59

☆ I love black nail polish, but maaaaannn do I ever hate taking it off. This stuff stains like nothing else, and it makes such a mess! WELL there's probably a way to make it less of a pain, but I am the laziest of lazies, fiddly stuff is a no-go for me. At least it isn't glitter....

☆ So, so glad that the work week is over for me. Since I've been feeling better, I'm going to try to get downtown to watch Crimson Peak tomorrow. Heard rumblings of mixed reviews, but... well, I honestly don't set my expectations very high for horror movies, honestly, so I'm sure I'll have a good time. I really enjoy going to the cinema, anyway. And I'll have to make sure to bring some looseleaf with me - when I go to the movies I usually catch an early lunch at the A&W across from it, and sit there writing while I wait. It's nice and relaxing.

☆ ... Hold on. Halloween is next weekend! I keep thinking that we're earlier in the month than we actually are, but no, October is almost over, what the heck. WELL I should better dig my mask out of storage to make sure that it isn't squished, I suppose. It will probably be fine, but I haven't touched it in a year, you never know. Might need a day or two to ease it back into shape, if so. I'm so looking forward to wearing it - when Halloween falls on work days, I just don't have the energy to dress up at all.

☆ I've been poking around the Yuletide signup summary. Someone other than me is requesting A Redtail's Dream *_* I am so utterly happy about this possible assignment, even if there isn't a letter yet. And it's nice that whoever I'll get assigned to write for will be a surprise! (And not even going to lie, my biggest fear was possibly being unmatchable for the writing side, so... the more options, the better.)

☆ Little SSSS things: today's page is just an endchapter info page, but it's gorgeous*! I had a nice conversation about SSSS over at the APH anon meme, of all places, and got some ideas for a Reynir & Lalli fic, which I will have to put on the to-do list. Anon is a terrible enabler*. Rabbit drew a cool thing* and I wrote commentfic to go with that cool thing*, and it was very well received by the artist, which makes me so happy. :D

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yuletide, life, stand still stay silent, movies

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