
Oct 10, 2015 23:12

☆ I made pumpkin pies this evening. And cranberry sauce. Nice! We're doing the whole Thanksgiving thing tomorrow, even if it's officially on Monday. Just more convenient all around, that way.

☆ When I was poking around HMV the other day, I realized they had Ex Machina. Awesome! Bought it? Yes. I'm definitely looking forward to watching it again (for the third time). Pretty good movie. I'm glad that I was able to see it in a proper cinema, though; that was nice. And watching it in the stream with friends was great too....

☆ Arrrggghhh a friend is having a birthday tomorrow, and I nearly forgot. And now it's probably too late to write anything. Hmm. I don't think I can pull a fic out of the air at the last second, especially on a holiday. ... Or can I? We shall see. But I wish I wasn't so horrible at remembering birthdays.

And now, some nice little SSSS things:
❉ My feelings on the canon updates for the last couple weeks have basically been popcorn.gif, AAH. SO GOOD.

❉ Starfallz said that she wants to draw something based on one of my fics. AaaaHHH! I'm assuming it's "Routines", but then again, maybe not. Either way, I'm just happy she wants to do it, even if it's possible she won't find the time.

❉ MadameFolie, a fic author whose work I love, wrote some Sigrun/Emil and it's wonderfully characterized and lovely and hot and NSFW and I just. [/Overwhelmed!] It's over here: Private Session. Totally a guilty pleasure ship for me, and an absolute rarepair in the fandom overall, so seeing that totally made my day.

❉ I'm more familiar with Folie's work from Hetalia fandom; she wrote that long awesome Sweden/Norway fic, When the Sixth Day Comes (and is now revising it for de-anoning). Anyway, I love the way she writes, and I'm so glad she's in SSSS fandom now; she also has another SSSS fic going which is gen so far and it's REALLY GREAT (Summer Vacation). It's a WIP. I never follow WIPs. This one? I subscribed to and have been reading the chapters immediately when they're posted.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3432284.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

ex machina, life, stand still stay silent, recs, movies

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