Life + Little SSSS Things

Sep 24, 2015 20:06

☆ Well, it's officially autumn now. I should see about trying to get some photos of the leaves before they're all gone. The last couple of times that I went out, I didn't have much success - my usual routes were all dug up for construction - but... we'll see. Maybe I'll find something. On another note, it's starting to get really hard to get out of bed in the morning. It's too cold! I keep telling myself "this time, I will get up early, I will get up and exercise" and then... uh. I don't. Because it's cold. It's just. TOO COLD.

☆ I swear, this weekend I'm going to tackle that knitting project. Again! After my earlier entry about that, I just got way too frustrated, unravelled everything, and huffed for a while. But, I'm going to try again. Hopefully the second try will go better. If it turns out too loose - time to rip it out again. WELL... at least this will be a good opportunity to catch up on all those episodes of Welcome to Night Vale that I'm behind on, maybe. :D

☆ Reading is going... uh... Hm. I keep falling asleep on my commute! So I've been getting very little reading done. A combination of general tiredness + it's starting to get dark in the evenings, but... still. Anyway, I'm still on Love in the Time of Cholera. I'm not sure what I expected from this novel, but it's... interesting. I love the language (well, rather, I love the translator's interpretation of Marquez's language, I guess) but the story itself isn't grabbing me much. I do remember, though, that I was quite a ways into One Hundred Years of Solitude before I concluded that I absolutely loved it, so maybe that will happen with this one. ... But somehow, I doubt it. They're very different from one another.

☆ Mélu has convinced me to join NaNo with her when November comes around. WELL, sort of. I will be realistic here: I will join, but I will absolutely fail, and probably not produce any more than 10k words. In fact, probably significantly less than that. But... I'll join anyway. It's true that I can only write on weekends, and that 1k in one sitting is a lot for me. But I usually make November my designated "get shit done" month anyway, and I will have some fics I'll need to work on... and I do love being part of things. And being a cheerleader. And so on. SO... half-assing it again, heyo! Why not.

☆ Someone whose writing I really enjoy said that they like some of the things I've posted. Hearing that people like my stuff always makes me feel good, but when it comes from someone whose work I admire, it's the chocolate shavings on top of the icing on the cake, to stretch the metaphor a bit. It just - really, really made my day. (They described the two stories, which were very short, as "punching well above their weight"... aaaAAH.) Sometimes I get so self-conscious about posting very short things, or very impulsive things, or things I'm not sure about, or - well, posting anything outside of my DW archive, period. And it's nice to hear that when I do take the plunge of posting publicly, it's worthwhile.

☆ Speaking of fic! As I've been going through the section on Ao3 for Stand Still, Stay Silent, I've been thinking about slapping together a rec list, but on the other hand it seems a bit silly to bother with that when there are under 100 fics total. So until I figure that out, I'll just rec one author: Sectoboss, who writes canon-flavour gen, and is my absolute favourite writer in this fandom. Even though I haven't finished reading everything he's written, what I have read has been just that good that I feel comfortable with a generalized rec. (If I had to rec only one fic, I think Old Memories is my favourite - it's also the best Mikkel-centric fic that I've read in this fandom so far, which is great to see, because Mikkel is growing on me a ton - though he'll never knock Emil out of my #1 spot.)

☆ After seeing a drabble challenge on FFA a couple of days ago, I impulsively put something together, and then later expanded it into an SSSS prologue sequence (voila). I'm really, really happy with how it turned out - well, some parts more than others, but it was nice. It isn't often that I work within strict confines like this; I used to do restricted formats all the time, though it was more often with poetry, and it's nice to kind of... return to that, a little. Though I don't think I will be doing it frequently.

☆ Speaking of poetry - Stand Still, Stay Silent fandom is so weird in a lot of ways, at least compared to what I'm used to. And one of the ways it's weird is that poetry is actually an encouraged fanwork form, rather than something written off as pretentious. I suppose, considering poetry has a place in the canon, it isn't that weird, but it's still a surprise to me. Anyway, it kind of makes me... kind-of-sort-of want to try taking that up again, maybe, for fandom purposes. Though I haven't actually looked into what the fandom does with it yet. Hah, just watch, it'll all be in strict Kalevala metre like in canon, and then I'll be here with my Hauge-esque compact modernist stuff going "Um...."

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nanowrimo, weather, reading, stand still stay silent, writing, knitting, life, recs

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