Kittens Game Frivolities

Aug 09, 2015 19:31

It's been a while since a Kitens Game entry, so, why not.

A few days ago, someone posted a revision to the Autokittens code. This is very convenient for me, because the new version contains an eludium autocrafter. This is pretty convenient for me, because I tend to let my game run while I'm not at the computer, and without the benefit of an autocrafter, I lose out on some resources because I'm not babysitting it.

I'm at the stage in the game where I'm running out of things to do. Right now I'm just grinding storage, science, and unicorns, basically. And trading for blueprints. At this point, I think most people would do a Reset, but I don't think I'm ready for that yet. I'm not quite ready to start over. And part of me wants to let it run until I get the 40K achievement. But I'm only at 5800 years, so it'll be a long time to go before then. But! There are a few things left that I can still do while I wait - it just requires grinding for time crystals and, as mentioned, storage.

Ehhh... Well. Let's just keep going until I decide I'm ready. That sounds like the best idea. Who knows, maybe the next update will bring something new into the equation! There's still no use for antimatter yet, though I have plenty of it because I've been building Sunlifters. When Energy was implemented, that was pretty cool, and I had a lot of fun figuring out how to best balance everything. Now it's easier, considering all the upgrades. (I love the Broadcast Tower and the huge Culture bonus it brings. My kitten happiness percentage is now at 210%, awesome!)

This entry probably makes zero sense out of context.

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