
Aug 04, 2015 20:53

Aaaand a quick deets post now that I'm finished flailing over SSSS (for today, that is. Tomorrow is another day.)

✿ Had a four-day weekend! Which was nice. I enjoyed it. But coming back to work from a four-day weekend is always... well... One would rather not. At least, I would rather not. Um.

✿ Got some work done on my trade fic! Still needs a bit more, and then a lot of tweaking, but I'm happy with what I have so far. While it's obviously not over yet, I think that I like doing trades. With exchanges, it's a little more stressful because I tend to not know my recipient's tastes very well, so I worry a lot about whether they'll like it. If I'm writing for someone I know, then it takes some of the pressure off because I can more easily tailor to their interests. Also, 2/3 of my past exchange experiences have been less than ideal. The third exchange went very well, but as it turned out, Kainoliero was writing for me, and of course she knows exactly what I like.

✿ That isn't to say that I'll never take part in other exchanges, however. I'll probably do another Hetalia exchange eventually, and I'm 90% likely to do Yuletide this year (for the first time). It's just, I think I might prefer trades. But we'll have to see how this one goes.

✿ I've discovered that it's a lot easier for me to read Norwegian when it's printed on paper. Today I printed out the letter my penpal sent me, on a lark, since I hadn't got to it yet and figured I might as well attempt it on the bus home. It was easy. Well, some parts were a bit tricky, but I still managed to understand most of it without reaching for a dictionary, not even once. I think this might be because when it's on paper, I'm taking each sentence as a whole, more or less, so I end up reading around the words that I don't know, and getting the gist of it regardless... kind of like how when I was first learning to read, maybe. Whereas when I'm on the computer I tend to linger on words more, and get frustrated when I encounter one that I don't know or don't remember. Plus, reading is always easier on paper for me regardless. SO... I might try doing this more in the future, but we'll have to see about that.

This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3416331.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

fandom, writing, life, languages: norwegian

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