
Aug 03, 2015 09:57

Jeg er veldig søvnig. Hvorfor er det, jeg forstår ikke, kanskje det er for varm i dag.

Liker jeg Duolingo. Når kompleter jeg alt norsk kursen, jeg vil gjøre fransk kursen. Jeg har en ordbok og grammatiskbok på fransk og jeg vil lese det. Fransk er mer kjent enn eller språker.

Jeg ønsker å lærer polsk språk også. Kanskje jeg ville gjøre polsk språk kursen efter fransk kursen.

For the longest time I had an absolute hateboner for the French language. As far as I can tell, this is pretty typical of people in western Canada, especially if they happened to go to a school where the FLS teaching was sub-par and it happened to be the only second-language option.

So... I nursed that hateboner for years, but also romance languages don't get along very well with me for some reason, and it was just a bad scene. Now, though, I'm starting to feel better about French.

Not that I like it, exactly! It's just that I've had time to build up some positive associations with it, due to Certain Individuals, and taking an interest in particular parts of history, and of course fandom-related reasons I suppose (and by fandom I mean Valiant Hearts, of course). And I suppose that trip to Belgium certainly didn't hurt - Belgian French sounds so cute!

Anyway, I was thinking that when I finish the Norwegian course on Duolingo, I'll try to do the French course, while supplementing with textbooks etc. I still have all my books, and it's easier to re-learn it than it would be to start something entirely new, since I do remember some things, just not very well. I'm not intending to drop Norwegian; I think it's entirely possible to do both.

... And I keep mentally mixing them together into some unholy French-Norwegian mass half the time anyway, so it's not much of a stretch.

Also kind of want to do Polish after French, but that's so far off that I'm not considering it all that seriously at this time, really.

As for Norwegian, I keep frustrating myself a little bit, because there are a lot of little things that slip my mind that I should have down by now. Things like definites, and object pronouns, and fiddly little things like that. And I should have a better handle on present vs past by now, but I don't.

I'm not sure what to do about that. I guess all I can do is keep chipping away at it until it sticks.

... While I've considered it before, it occurs to me now that I might have an easier time with this if my command of English were better. My grammar is absolutely atrocious. Well, I've seen worse, so maybe "atrocious" isn't the right word, but it IS pretty bad. And I never learned a lot of the terms for how to talk about it, either. It would be helpful if I had an understanding of that.

Just watch, I'll say, "I will look into this", and then I won't do it. This always happens. But to be fair, it's hard to even set aside time to work on Norwegian, so.


This entry was originally posted at http://yuuago.dreamwidth.org/3415526.html. You can comment here or at the original entry.

languages: english, languages: french, norsk blogging, languages: general, languages: norwegian

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